Thoughtbite #001

Be surgical with the words you use.
Be truthful with the words you use.
Be responsible with the words you use.

That simply means KNOW the language you use because even when you are reading someone else's writing, you ALWAYS read it in the first person and the first person who hears what you are reading in YOUR voice is YOU.

Essentially, almost all reading is self-talk.

You read some bullshit without the critical thinking skills and discipline to go over it with a fine-comb of truth and you might trigger an emotional reaction, but ironically that emotional reaction will be aimed at an external target when the words you read were heard and spoken by you when you read them.

"If you don't have a plan, you're gonna end up being part of someone else's plan"

and if your plan is on a smaller or lesser scale than someone else's your plan will tabulate itself into its place under someone else's greater plan.

Know thyself

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