Thought 006: Is YouTube trying to become the next Netflix ?!


First, they started putting on ads. Then they used a lot of ads. Now every video has standard ads. Also the amount of ads that aren't skippable are increasing. So it's obvious they are loosing money, even thought it is their own fault. They tried YouTube Red, pay to view. Now they are making ads to pay to view YouTube videos.

In short, I know where this is going, they are moving slowly to pay to view, they want the money. Instead of being more honest in their way of doing business, they think they have the high ground because it is a government site that is well known and they can't go broke. With a government site I mean, they are from Google and Google is in bed with the government, we all know that, or at least suppose to know that.

I hope they go broke, don't get me wrong, but at the same time, there isn't anything better. Yes, Dtube, I had high hopes for, but it isn't practical from a creator of viewers standpoint. Viewing doesn't work sometimes, I can live with that, but uploading is a complete mess and after trying in different ways, even ways that used to work, I can't get anything to upload. I will be trying again when I have time.

But back to YouTube, what are they planning ?! I surely don't trust them, because they are the equivalent of a starving dog that does anything for food. They are the hungry dog, and the food is their money.

Thank you for reading. It would be nice if you could leave a thought behind.

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