Ryder Waite vs. Aleister Crowley - tarot dispelled

It is said that the most commonly recognized deck of tarot seems to be the standard Ryder Waite system. The same cards that's origin has been somewhat lost over time. It's said that the Ryder Waite deck was originally corroborated in 1910, which is likely when someone decided to coin the phrase. Or add their name to the deck. Perhaps putting a few changes, or identifying the key areas of the system that we now recognize on the broad spectrum. When in fact, we as a species have been using divining tools for millenia.

Like all things elusive. Dealing with various astronomical signifiers. We can come to expect that there will be a necessity for changes to be made, as our dirt ball continues to circle around our solar system, which is also connected to some other centre, in a (hopefully/seemingly/in the human constructed system of time) unending cycle we call life. So as the position in which our planet sits in the galactic body, shifting, changing, evolving, breathing, cycling, what have you. It's only natural for us to also expect some forms of change in the systems that we work as well. Just as surely as the horse and buggy was the most relevant form of technology in as far as transportation went for years. We have come to acknowledge the steam engine, leading to coal engines, and now apparently we have magnetic bullet trains which are approaching phenomenal speeds (as an example).

We all know that the understanding of the world, and our ability to relate one core aspect of our environment to another is ultimately benefiting us in the understanding of all things. So we can see also in this way, that our ability to see ourselves through different devices emanated outwardly into the world around us, that we design and shape the way we see the world around us. And again, the more we come to accept and acknowledge the world around us, we also in turn, come to work more inrinsically as a uniform part of that flowing dynamic of the world we exist.

So, these ramblings are in fact going somewhere. Haha! But as always, I like to give you (my fellow steemians) a good basis of where I am coming from inside of my own head. So, bear with me! Because the changes I have found in my life have always benefited me the more I come to accept and nurture those things. I used to fight the flow, but the more we move with the world around us, the easier it becomes, and the freer we can express ourselves as a part of it.

So as a tool for seeing ourselves in the world, we have long stood with the tools that are left in existence. Undoubtedly, we are uncovering many different aspects of our past which have been all but lost. Or kept from us, as I've described to some length in a post you may enjoy:

Aleister Crowley was a long standing devotee to the esoteric. A man before his own time. Some might even say, a breed of his own. His pan sexual tendencies would certainly help to prove that, to some extents. But he was into many many dark and twisted things. Many of which I am not interested in investing my precious time into. Just know, I do not fully endorse the man, but I can get behind some of his life's work.
seen here in one of his most commonly recognized photos

We can come to know that our perspective of a person, is shaped by the ways we choose to view them. As simply as the way we can pronounce his name in yet another simple yet effective demonstration.

Those who would call him Crowley, would seek to treat him fouly.
While others call him Crowley, would seek to treat him holy.

Potentially the second most documented wizard of the current age of man. First being, our saviour Jesus Christ. No ill intended, but I don't know of any other person who can walk on water, cure the blind, and so many other amazing things. Born of the image of god, put on this earth to show man our true potential. For some reason, we would all seek to treat ourselves as a lesser being. When in fact we have been created in his own image. But that's another story I wouldn't necessarily get into online. Fortunately, most devout christian's would have already flipped to the next page by now.

During one of his many channeling exercises, during any number of trips Aleister had been able to take to countries which were at that time much more difficult to reach. Accessing tomes and ritual practices which were debatedly more difficult to access at the time. Countries like Egypt, Iran, and whatnot. (going solely from my own memory, which can be shoddy at times) He channeled the spirit of Thoth. A powerful deity, who is said to have left his mark on emerald tablets.

During his communion with that spirit, it was indicated to Aleister that there should be a new deck created for the purpose of the new age which was soon upon us as a species. The age of Thoth, which we are now residing in.

So, some inclination is calling me to explain that change of ages now, but I do not wish to go deeper into it at this time, as my focus is indeed on the cards themselves. I encourage any and all of you who would seek to understand it in a greater way, to dive in head first into the information that is abundantly available online, and at your local book store.

Given the lengthy nature of this, and all of my posts, I will now redirect your attention to my next post, in which I will go into some detail about how Aleister Crowley indeed created the beautiful, colorful, and more descript deck that we know as the Thoth tarot.

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