Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot

Crowley was born in October 12, 1875. He joined the Golden dawn at the ripe age of 24, and rose through their grades in a rapid manner. 6 years later, while in Cairo Egypt he recieved voice transmissions from Hierarchical Forces, which foretold of the Age of Aquarius. He recorded those messages in his "The Book of Law" which served as the cornerstone to his teachings, and provided heavy influence in the ways he would come to form the imagery of the tarot. Utilizing his knowledge of the kabal, he also attributed a hebrew letter and a path on the Tree of Life (which can be viewed in more detail in other posts on my blog). Along with astrological signs, elements, or planetary symbols.
Aleister and Frieda
In an attempt to expand and incorporate scientific studies and multiple systems of understanding into a new age of tarot cards, Aleister Crowley teamed up with Lady Frieda Harris to correct and update the medieval tarot. Attempts were being made to draw out the esoteric nature, and highlight more of the symbolic nature which has been a driving force within the tarot. As with all things, the deeper we look. The more we need to know, to understand them further. But much of the same will always remain true with the tarot. This iota should be consumed with a grain of salt. One of the most difficult aspects of the tarot to grasp in my opinion, is simply that you cannot truly hold onto any one concept or ideal when looking at the tarot. In that you may feel it relates to an immediate sequence of events, within a week or two of a reading, when it may in fact be guiding you to insights further down the road. Months, or years.

The project itself grew in ways that they hadn't initially expected, and ended up taking them five years by its completion. During that time, Lady Frieda Harris fell in love with Aleister Crowley, as she poured the aspects and levels of understanding that he had collected through his studies. She was a highly gifted painter, and was made to update the tarot with brilliance, and depict things that hadn't been outlined in such detail in previous versions. Providing clarity for those who would seek to know.
The four of disks. "Power"
The castle with the moat around is symbolic towards knowing your boundaries and limitations. Expressing the necessity to take care of your domain. The meaning of power, the ability to empower yourself, and others.
It shows astronomical symbols of the sun in Capricorn, which indicates a necessity to implement your full power in a practical or tangible way.
On top of each of the four towers you can also see the four elements in their alchemical forms. Reminding us of inner and outer abilities that manifest themselves through our daily lives. In different ways. Air is associated with mental power, water to emotional fluidity, fire is associated with the energy of our spirit, life-force and vitality, while earth represents our physical health and well-being.
Ryder Waite four of pantacles
When compared to it's predecessor. We will notice this man with a crown. seated away from his home. with one foot each on a pantacle, hoarding his coins. Satisfied with the accomplishments of his life, but ultimately keeping his things close to him as possible. So tied up with his investments that he cannot do anything else. Which somehow also means, you are in a position of stablity. Personally, I've never been comfortable with this depiction. Instead, I choose to view it as he is riding atop the two pantacles, using the one in his hands to guide and steer himself along the way. Using the one on his head to help with direction. Again, this is my own interpretation. But it does relate more to the card, personally with my way of viewing the world.

So, you can see. Depending on your understanding, and level of acceptance or preference. We all ultimately have our own ways of knowing the world around us. Some of us choose not to utilize these tools. Ultimately, that's what the tarot are, is a tool. One I will often leave sitting on the side lines, but every time I pick them up. I'm given strong reminders of what a useful and highly applicable tool they truly are.

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