Episode 30!

I woke up by 10 am, surprised that they didn't wake me for morning prayers, but my sister told me the pastor said they should allow me to sleep, that they will put me in prayer, I smiled and went into the bathroom, I quickly had my shower, dressed up and went downstairs. I saw Margaret and her husband, studying the bible, "good morning, ma. Good morning, sir" they both answered with smiles on their faces, I smiled back and stepped into the kitchen to take my breakfast. As it was the routine in their house, breakfast is prepared very early and served, then we all go into the kitchen to take our share.

I was in the room, sleeping with my sister, when sister Margaret woke me up and told me to meet her husband downstairs that he wants to talk to me, "he said he wants to give you some counselling, he had a dream about you last night, he told me about it and it wasn't good at all. When he's done with you, come and meet me in the bedroom, there's something I would like to discuss with you" I nodded and went to meet her husband.

I nodded and went to meet her husband. I got there and greeted him, he told me to get a bible and follow him to their garden, that he doesn't want anyone to hear us, I quickly went into his kid's room, picked a bible I saw on the table and ran to the garden to meet him. He looked at me for a while before speaking, "Amaka, how do you feel? I hope I didn't hurt you in any way?" "No, sir" I replied, looking down. "Nne, please, look at me, you don't need to be ashamed or anything, we are in this together. I fully understand exactly what you are going through, and I would be lying to you if I continued to tell you that you need deliverance. Going forward, all I need from you is to keep your body for me, I want to be the only one that will have access to your body, I assure you that you will never touch yourself again, because, I will always make myself available to quench that fire. I am rich and you know it, I will set you up in life in a tremendous way and make sure you never lack, okay?"

I slowly raised my head and looked at him, pretending to be scared and surprised at the same time, but deep down, I was beyond myself with happiness, "Sir, please, I don't want trouble, I am an orphan and my siblings look up to me, my Aunty and uncle are all I have, if they find out about this, my own is finished, so I don't know if..." "my dear, we will never get caught, it will be hard for anyone to find out about us. I am richer than your uncle by far, if you accept my offer, I will get an apartment very far from here, where we will always meet up to enjoy ourselves and nobody will ever know, and I will do anything for you, anything at all, except you plan to tell someone about us, as for me, nobody will ever find out" he finished. I pretended to think about it for few minutes, before I accepted. He gave me his number and told me not to save it with his name, though, I never intended to. When we finished talking, I went looking for sister Margaret. I met her stepping out of her room, "Hian, I was actually coming to get you, I was wondering what my husband was telling you that took so long, I hope he didn't bore you"

"Not at all, he only told me the dream he had about me and prayed with me" I wondered what I would have said, if she had emphasized on the dream, since her husband didn't mention any dream to me, but luckily, she didn't, she only smiled and ushered me into the room and told me to sit on the bed. "Amaka, listen, I am in love with you and I want you to be mine. I have been trying to kill this feeling but it's hard, I can't help it anymore, I love you so much, please, be mine. Since after that day your Aunty and I, had you, I have not been myself again, I am not happy in my marriage, my husband is very boring, all he does is pray, read the bible and preach, he doesn't know how and where to touch me, he doesn't turn me on, he's a terrible kisser and whenever he's on top of me, I keep praying for him to quickly finish up. Being a pastor's wife is not easy at all, honestly, all eyes are on me, that's why I find it so hard to cheat, so I lived in total frustration and sadness, pretending to be alright, until I met you.

Your Aunty is the only one that knows about this, I was always complaining to her, before she brought you to live with her, the day she told me about you eeh, I didn't believe it, until she invited me for a threesome with you, since that day till now, I have not been myself. Please, nne, be mine. Stop charging me and be mine, I will take care of you, both financially and other areas" she said.

I replied, "Okay, I accept, I will be yours, but we have to be very careful. My Aunty is already suspecting us" She said okay. We spoke for a few more minutes, then we kissed briefly, with our eyes at the unlocked door, and I left. It was when I got to the room, that I finally processed the whole thing. I had two couples tightly in my palm, willing and ready to do my bidding, just to continue getting into my honey pot. I wondered what they saw in me, that they couldn't get from other people...

To be continue....

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