13% of the US population

I wrote about this 28 years ago, so I hesitate to write now. But black America represents 13% of the US population. Whether it's aggressive genocide, via trans Atlantic slave trade for 400 years and 40 years Jim Crow thereafter or passive spayed and neutering by things like abortion, 13% population control is a fixed number unaffected by migration, birth rate and normal contributors. lesson
Now move the decimal point to the left in order to reach $1.3 trillion dollars. Do you understand moving the decimal point twelve zero's, first of all, then two more spaces for tenths and hundredths places? Fourteen moves to get from 13% to 1.3 trillion! USD $1.3 (twelve zeros) represent black American spending, with little to show for it. lesson
28 years ago I said there should be 13 black US senators every election; black counterparts for McCain and Biden. 13 positions set aside and grandfathered; meaning, when America felt there were not 13 black souls suited to fill those positions, those seats remained vacant. In a perfect world, the US Senate would have less than 100 people during some terms. Tongue in cheek. That's my only amendment for what I said 28 years ago.

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