30 Days of Steemit Challenge

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I have to confess. I’m not as consistent on this platform as I’d like to be.

Today, I’m turning that around.

You can call it a New Year’s Resolution. Or a commitment to doing the hard work and investing in myself. At the end of the day, I haven’t given this platform the proper attention that it needs in order to find some success here. When I watch successful people on this platform, I notice they do several things, and one of them is delivering consistent content, mostly daily.

That’s why I have challenged myself to commit to posting at least once everyday for the next 30 days.

Here’s the plan: I’m going to share my stats with all of you on Day 1 (today), then share those same stats on Day 30 (March 7, 2018) and see if all of the hard work has made a difference in my standing in this community.

Here’s where I stand on Day 1:
-Followers: 141
-Reputation: 47
-STEEM POWER: 12.121 STEEM (+2.925 STEEM)
-STEEM Dollars (SBD): 1.477
-Estimated Account Value: $47.35*

*I realize that Estimated Account Value is linked to the value of Steem in US Dollars and so it can fluctuate based on what is happening in the market. This figure is mostly out of my control but thought I would track it anyway, because, why the hell not!


I’m not just committing to posting everyday, I’m also committing to being an active member in this community, which includes daily upvoting, commenting, and resteeming your posts.

If you also feel the need to get more consistent and want to join me, tag your posts 30DaysofSteemit. I will personally be searching for this tag and supporting those that need the extra lift.

Now let me get all of the excuses out of the way…

I started on Steemit in December 2017 during a very busy time for me. I just moved across the country a few months before, I met and started dating someone that I really liked and wanted to spend time with, and I had a full-time job and a part-time retail job during evenings and weekends. Not to mention that this was holiday season which means you got to carve out time for family as well as the turkey. Oh, and I didn’t mention that I also have a YouTube channel!

Now that the new year has rolled around my days have gotten progressively less busy. I’m no longer working the part time job, so that freed up a bunch of time. The guy I was dating moved away, so instead of trying to date again I’m gonna roll solo for a while. I still have a full time job that I need to pay the bills for now, but nights and weekends are plenty of time for me to set myself up for success.

Toward the end of this month, I will be taking an extended weekend trip to Las Vegas, which will make it challenging to post everyday during that time. But I won’t let that be an excuse. I will still get it done. And perhaps a post on how to keep delivering content while traveling will be something in which others can find value!

Join me in this challenge! Tag your posts ThirtyDaysofSteemit (I would have used '30' but apparently you have to start a tag with a letter) so we can all keep track of each other and hopefully keep one another accountable. I look forward to delivering my content to you all daily, and I also look forward to see what you have to share!

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