Narrative First, History Later


Hezbollah, supposedly, is housed UNDER residential complexes.

Yeah that makes total sense. Want to provide us some satellite Where's Waldo Pictures while you're at it? Where is that wily expert military leader under these residential buildings? You have no doubts about where he's hiding?! Impressive confidence, Israel Government! I don't think there's been too many governments that have used this excuse to go in with the chariots and spears....Oh.


  • Israel bombing Lenanon capitol Beirut under pretense of terrorists lodged in or under apartment buildings
  • Replay of WMD "War on Terror", courtesy of the Trilateral Commission
  • Since there seem to be no wars any more, every tyrant uses the excuse that they are going after some sort of cell and then invasion can begin with the approving glow of an Appollon sun (see: Putin, Rumsfeld, Hitler, Obama and now Netanyahu)
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