One thing about me is that, I always want to find a way to grow - to be better than where I currently am.

I must say, it hasn't been all rosy but, I'm the kind that never wants to give up until I get a positive result.

Last year, things became somehow for my family. It was hard to get things for ourselves, and at a point, it seemed like we were beginning to lose our friendship and communication. All these were happening because, I was thinking a lot and my wife, being the kind that doesn't worry over things, she found it hard to understand why I spent my time thinking. To her, if I didn't have a solution to a problem, there's no need of thinking about it and if I had a solution, it's better I work on it, instead of sitting and moping.

As a man, I felt she wasn't understanding what it meant for one to stay without earning something other than the monthly salary.

A lot was on my mind - my wife was pregnant, we needed to get baby things, we needed to do a whole lot. But, I had a low source of income.

One of those days, I was scrolling endlessly on the Internet when I came across a flyer. It piqued my interest and I took time to go through it.

It was an online class, where someone teaches us on how to make paints.

I was excited. This was an opportunity to learn something new - at least, to add to my source of income. When I checked the price, my excitement died.

I began to wonder how I'd raise such an amount in order to register for the class. Removing such amount from my monthly salary would only keep me and my family without enough food.

I talked to my wife about it and she encouraged me to use from our savings. At first, I didn't want to because, we planned to use the money to get a few things for our baby and I was also afraid that it may not begin to yield results immediately.

She encouraged me to take this step. I registered and there, I learned how to make paints of different kinds.

I practiced a lot and got amazing results. Then, I had to take the next step - tell people about what I do.

At first, people were skeptical about it because, not everyone can make quality paints but after they tried mine, they keep coming back. They always loved my paints.

So far, my source of income has really increased. Some days ago, I produced paint for a three-bedrooom flat and I painted it with my wife's brother.

Just yesterday, someone called again, asking me to make about 15 buckets of oil paints. So far, I have been getting connections.

And, I'm grateful because I have a supportive woman in my life - marrying her was a beautiful decision.

I do not regret taking this step.

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