

Howdy. How is your life? Lovely, I hope.

As for me, I am mingling with the dead. The ones that walk. The ones that want to eat your face off.

I've been watching "The Walking Dead" and as oddly as it may seem, it's kind of been rather inspirational to me. An emotional journey. Love, loss.. adventure. Escape. Sounds silly that a zombie apocalypse would be giving me the feels, but it's true.

At least 3 episodes have made me cry. A lot. I am only on Season 8, by the way, so.. for the love of all that is holy in this life, give me NO SPOILERS, please! I need to NOT know things. I need to not. Thank you.

Anyway... I've fallen down the proverbial rabbit hole of life. And of fiction. Deep thoughts. I like the escape of television. And anyone that knows me knows that I don't like gore, blood, and/or violence.. I really don't. But I love this show!

I guess it's just the idea of it all. The thought of starting over in this world appeals to me, even if the reason is that we're being chased by dead, empty shells of what once were human souls that now thirst wildly for our own. We must run away, we must escape. Or, you know.. we will die. The drama is there. The excitement is real.

Entirely unrelated, I keep thinking that I want to keep a journal of the pandemic. A documentation of society in an entirely diseased Earth. I have been thinking about it since March 2020. That's when things went crazy, you remember? Still we are here, literally brain-deep into the infinite crazy.

Other than that, I don't know what else to say except for hey, and I hope you aren't being eaten by the dead anytime soon. If you do get bitten, then kindly stay away from ME.

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