The Virtue Circle

Self-propagating advantageous situation in which a successful solution leads to more of a desired result or another success which generates still more desired  results or successes in a chain. - source
When men speak ill of thee, live so as nobody may believe them.  - Plato

Our relationships have become increasingly complex with the advent of social media, internet, TV, radio, mass travel and even the printed word.  We are now capable of spreading an idea all over the world in fractions of a second with little or no time to contemplate whether the idea is worthy of being shared.

Without a foundation upon which to evaluate ideas, we will always be influenced by others to venture down a road in the wrong direction.  As a result, it is becoming easier to justify violence in our relationships and make that violence socially acceptable.  The systems that we build around us support and even legalize this process.

However, might does not make right.  Legal does not reflect love.  Commerce does not equate to prosperity for all.  So what are we to do about it all?

Time to take the high road and walk a path few have traveled.  

I've had discussions with a few members of the Stewards of Terra Mater in regards to establishing a protocol on how we will behave in all our relationships, whether that be here on social media sites or in our other aspects of life.  By making this spiritual commitment to our selves, we re-affirm our commitment to all our relationships.  Peace, freedom, patience, prosperity, kindness, gentleness, self-control and faithfulness are the foundations that provide the framework for healthy relationships.

It is this foundation that allows for self-governance to take root and flourish.  By walking this path, we make a spiritual commitment to ensure we are not engaging in violence of any kind, whether that be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.  

The drums of war ring loud no matter where we go and it is time to silence those drums.  Our actions speak louder than words.  Time to let the world know where we stand on violence, in ALL its forms.  

Display this icon or banner proudly to let people know that you are working hard to walk the high road and that you make a firm commitment to live in peace.  Let them know that you have set firm boundaries and that violence will no longer be tolerated but in fact will be confronted.  Let people know that this is a safe place to express oneself as freedom is respected as a corner stone of love, empathy and compassion.  

By taking the high road we agree not to engage in violence, however we will end relationships, block or mute people should they engage in violence, covertly or overtly in violation of our boundaries.  Reconciling Relationships is a tough process as it requires both parties to heal and have strong boundaries during the reconciliation process.  Trust is an important foundation in our relationships and the offender has a lot of work to do to rebuild that trust.  The most difficult part is that the offender does not get to chose when trust has been restored.  

We all want to feel like we belong, so the Stewards of Terra Mater, my wife and I invite you to join our campaign to bring balance to what we witness unfolding in the world around us.  If this idea resonates with you, make a commitment to peace, prosperity, good stewardship and healthy relationships.  Display the banner on your posts and communicate your intentions with your family and friends.  

All we ask is that you be open to the possibility that our actions are violent and make a commitment to standing up against those actions or inactions.  The goal of this movement is to reverse years of propaganda that has resulted in social constructs that support and even encourage violence in our lives.  We want peace in all aspects of our lives, whether it be here on social media, on the streets or in our own homes.  

If you are willing to do the work and commit to peace and prosperity, then we invite you into The Virtue Circle.    @skycae setup a discord channel for us already.  Invitation to join us is here: 


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