Untangeling Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions

I have had the most amazing past few day's I don't know if it's been three or four. Ahh the radio show. @pensiff aired Friday. I listened to the whole two hours, hearing my friends voices whom I have been communicating with on steemit and discord @peace Abundance Liberty @the virtue circle launched me into a place (realm,experience ?) that was energetically charged in a way words cannot describe. It was like I was watching the unfolding of experiences and events as an observer from a distance watching my physical form interact in the physical realm. As I write this I can feel some part of me resisting the remembering of the experience. I had conversations with individuals that were astoundingly spiritual. The spiritual growth is spreading rapidly.
I seem to having ability's that I never had before. The fact that I was able to figure out how to listen to the radio show is proof of that. My computer was not working correctly so I couldn't be on steemit for quite a while. I got the notion to dig out my son's old lap tops to see if I could get one working. I didn't think I could but gave it a try. I know nothing about computers. I have always been a low technology kind of individual. I don't know how I did it but I got it to work. I signed up to be in a chat room(Discord). Not in my wildest dreams would I have predicted such an event. I am now aware any thing is possible. I have been using words that I didn't know I knew. It's fascinating. @WWF



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