Changing Values In An Emerging Culture


“ANY ATTEMPT TO DEPICT THE FUTURE DIRECTION of civilization must include a description of the probable evolution of our culture without embellishment, propaganda, or national interest. We must reexamine our traditional habits of thought if we wish to avoid the consequences that will occur if we do not prepare for the future. It is unfortunate that most of us envision this future within our present social framework using values and traditions that come from the past. Superficial changes perpetuate the problems of today. The challenges we face now cannot be addressed with antiquated notions and values that are no longer relevant...

“Imagine a new planet with the same carrying capacity as Earth and that you are free to design a new direction for the society on this planet. You can choose any shape or form. The only limitation imposed upon you is that your social design must correspond to the carrying capacity of that planet. This new planet has more than adequate arable land, clean air and water, and an abundance of untapped resources. This is your planet. You can rearrange the entire social order to correspond to whatever you consider the best of all possible worlds. Not only does this include environmental modification but also human factors, interpersonal relationships, and the structuring of education...

“This need not be complicated. It can be an uncluttered approach, not burdened by any past or traditional considerations, religious or otherwise. This is a prodigious project calling on many disciplines for determining the way the inhabitants of your planet conduct their lives, keeping in mind for whom and for what ends this social order is being designed. Feel free to transcend present realities and reach for new and inventive ideas to shape your world of the future. An exciting exercise, isn't it? What we propose is nothing more, and nothing less, than applying that exercise to our planet…

“If you believe today's values and virtues are absolute and ultimate for all times and all civilizations, then you may find our projection of the future shocking and unacceptable. We must feel and think, as freshly as possible, about the limitless possibilities of life patterns humankind may explore for attaining even higher levels of intelligence and fulfillment in the future.”

Excerpts from the second chapter of THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN’T BUY (Eighth Edition), by Jacque Fresco

You can help The Venus Project by buying a copy of Jacque’s book directly from its website.

Originally posted on our website here.

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