The Train - Installment 4

Bob spent several hours playing with the mnibit, trying to discover its capabilities. Ally seemed to be interacting with the electrical signals in his brain. She understood those signals and could also influence them. When Bob asked Ally to produce an image of a cat, a cat appeared before his eyes. Getting used to the interaction took some work.

    "Ally, where are your batteries?" Bob asked.

    "I don't have any batteries," she responded.

    "What is your power source?"

    "You are, Boss."

    "What do you mean?"

    "I get my power from kinetic, thermal and electromagnetic energy that you emit."

Bob looked up as Teetok entered the coach.

    "We'll be at the Sollis station in a few minutes," the Gridet said. "Let's go take a look around."

As they waited for the train to approach the station, Bob wondered why there were no windows in the compartment. In fact, he hadn't seen any windows in the entire train.

Sensing the train had stopped, the two got up and walked to the end of the carriage. They waited as the doors opened and exited onto the platform. Bob looked back and got his first view of the train's exterior. The cars were long, black and sleek, almost like a string of stubby missiles laid down in a row. Looking down, Bob noticed there were no rails, the train hovered in the air.

    "Looks like this is a pretty small station," Teetok remarked. "The train doesn't leave until tomorrow. Let's go down to Sollis and see what's there."

Bob inspected his surroundings. A single story building with an open front faced the train. Inside, Bob could see a payment booth, some restrooms, a few vending machines and a row of tiled alcoves that were reminiscent of showers in a public gym. A taller building rose up behind the first. It looked like it might have rooms for rent. A large gray dome rose up on all sides, surrounding the buildings and the train.

Teetok led Bob to the nearer of the two buildings, where he stopped in front of a vending machine. There he showed Bob how to purchase a small bottle of green liquid using his train token.

    "This is b'nak. Drink it before using the teleporters. It reduces the side effects."

Teetok removed the lid from his bottle and guzzled it. Bob did the same. The liquid had no test, but was viscous, sliding slowly down his throat.

Leading Bob to the tiled alcoves, Teetok explained how he could use his mnibit as a control for the stall. Stepping into the small room, Bob gave Ally the command and felt his senses reel. A moment later, he was standing in a similar alcove in a different building, looking out into a tropical paradise.

Teetok appeared in Bob's view.

    "Supposedly, there is a very scenic waterfall not too far from here. I'm going to go see it. Would you like to join me?"

    "Sure," Bob replied.

Stepping out into the sunlight, Bob found himself standing on a road in what appeared to be a small beach town. Just past the pink beach, a crystalline blue ocean stretched to the horizon. Palm trees lined the road. A verdent moutain rose to spectacular heights behind him. He followed Teektok up the road to a path that branched off toward the mountain.

The trail rose into the lush tree-covered hills at the foot of the mountain. As they ascended, they noticed a faint roaring sound in the distance. Continuing upward, they encountered a series of hairpin turns as the hillside grew steeper. Pausing occasionally to catch their breath, they climbed until they rounded the last corner and stood at the edge of a precipice. In front of them, a mighty cataract thundered down the cliff. Mist from the waterfall covered them and the railing which separated them from the chasm. Rainbows rose and fell in the mist as the bright sunlight played on the scene. They stared in silence for some time until Bob turned and started back down the trail. Reluctantly, Teetok followed.

As they strode back into town, Bob turned to Teetok.

    "This place is fantastic. I wonder if there are rooms to stay overnight?"

    Pointing down the street, Teetok responded, "That sign over there says they rent rooms. Do you want to go check it out?"

Answering in the affirmative, Bob quickly made his way to the indicated establishment and made enqueries. Finding that they had a vacancy and accepted train credits from his token, He decided to stay the night.

He and Teetok then found a restaurant and enjoyed a dinner of grilled seafood and fresh fruit.

    At the end of the meal, Teetok spoke, "Tomorrow, my train continues around the Grand Circuit. I assume you are staying here until the next train back to Earth?"

    "That's right," Bob replied.

    "I'm going to miss you, Bob," Teetok stated.

    "And I, you," responded Bob. "Thank you for your help. I would have been lost without you."

    "It has been a pleasure. I wish you luck in returning home."

The two walked back to the teleporters. With a final farewell, Teetok entered the tiled stall and vanished from sight. Bob walked back to the bungalow he had rented, sat down on the veranda and watched the waves race up and down the beach.

<-- Installment 3

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