THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH : CHAPTER 3 - Is Opportunity Monopolized?

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This chapter need to be re-reared at least 3times and after each time, think really deeply of what he is saying. First why richness is unlimited and what is it “stuff”.

<< You may be shut off from engaging in business in certain lines, but there are other channels open to you. Probably it would be hard for you to get control of any of the great railroad systems; that field is pretty well monopolized. But the electric railway business is still in its infancy,and offers plenty of scope for enterprise; and it will be but a very few years until traffic and transportation through the air will become a great industry, and in all its branches
will give employment to hundreds of thousands, and perhaps to millions, of people. >>

What he wants to say here…it’s you should not look backward on the evolution but forward. And new opportunities are created by innovation. Personally, I think nothing was invented but only innovated for better use.


This means…if you want to be rich you can have it, but you need to “work” for. Create something “Useful”. And also, ask you self, why go in the “old mind” business?
If there’s a new car and old one, witch one would you choose?


He also gives few others idea, but I try to keep it simple, to make it very simply understand why it's wrong to say, riches are limited.
He also says others interesting thing, but I try to make it as easy and direct my message, or actually… ideas.

<<The visible supply is practically inexhaustible; and the invisible supply really IS
inexhaustible. Everything you see on earth is made from one original substance, out of
which all things proceed.>>

Visible supply is inexhaustible? What he means? Simply, that your “gold” it’s unlimited. How come? Think over your visible limitation.


It's not because we can't see without or eyes, that mean this doesn't exist.
To believe in infinite, you have to see it with your intellectual mind.

Everything It’s just a bunch on molecule put in certain way to create gold, woods, or anything else.
And we can now create synthetic thing, and silver and gold also, very soon if it isn’t already done.

To have an unlimited access to gold, you have many choice, go take from another planet, comets and more… or just recreate molecule formula of gold.


OK! great... so what's the invisible stuff?


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PS: Because I'm a big believer of "steel from others and you will steel from your self", I will only put some "ideas or paragraph he did mention, not entire book.
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