The Right Questions Series #0001: Topic - Overpopulation

If the right questions are not asked, would you seek the right answers?
As human beings we all like to give the right answers, but how often do we consider asking the right questions?

In this series I will be identifying important topics, asking questions (hopefully 21 maximum) on said topic and giving my answers to these questions as objectively as I can.

In the comments, feel free to leave your own relevant questions and answers on the topic.


What is Overpopulation?
Answer: As it relates to humans, overpopulation is an occurrence where the population exceeds the healthy carrying capacity of our ecological niche.

What is meant by the term healthy carrying capacity?
Answer: The healthy carrying capacity is the carrying capacity of the Earth which can ensure abundance for the human beings, faunas and floras occupying the planet.

Is the Earth's carrying capacity finite or is it infinite?
Answer: Finite. Therefore once the human population becomes so large that it infringes on the faunas and floras of the Earth, then we have surpassed the healthy carrying capacity of the Earth resulting in overpopulation.

What happens when the healthy carrying capacity of the Earth is exceeded?
Answer: As a causal factor, overpopulation contributes to the exasperation of all associated problems and circumstances linking to our population, such as lack of food, water, energy, jobs as well as climate change and the ever increase in the destruction of our habitat (Earth) and so forth.

Isn't that simple a matter of technical underdevelopment, which once achieved could solve these problems?
Answer: If a person is sick and their symptoms are treated, does that mean the cause for their sickness is resolved?
If the problem giving rise to the symptoms are unresolved and the person continue living under the same conditions, would the symptoms return?
Would the technical solutions implemented for approx. 8.9 billion humans, increase or decrease in its effectiveness when the population increases to 9 billion, 9.1 billion, 9.2 billion and so on?
When the desired level of technical development is achieved, would this lead to an increase or a decrease in automation and how would this impact employment or unemployment globally?

If the Earth's carrying capacity is finite, how do we determine the total appropriate land size for our use?
Answer: This can be determned by doing a Overpopulation Calculation. The figures from the calculations are presented in this Population Table for ease of view, and you can also view the Interpretation of the Population Table to understand how things such as the arable land and the possible population of a country are arrived at.

Is Earth overpopulated?
Answer: Yes. The calculations from above were carried out in 2009 almost a decade ago. An even when I try being optimistic and play around with the figures used in the calculation for things like the possible population in the population table, the result still remains that we have long since Overpopulated our Earth.

If the earth is overpopulated, is there a humane way to solve the problem of overpopulation?
That my friends is the right question.

Next topic in the series - The humane solution to resolve the problem of overpopulation.
You can leave a question if you want me to include it in the series.

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