Reiki Infused Art. Crystal Medicine Therapy. Zen Garden Meditation.

Hello Beauty-Full Souls ~ How are we all Being? How was your day?

It's been a cold & windy day here in the forest. What work we did get done outside was taken care of quickly and followed up with a hot cup of coffee as we relaxed and warmed up again.

I got to burning some sage around mid-morning before spending a little time creating this reiki infused art in my little zen garden. I've been letting this delicious piece marinate in all those yummy vibrations all day. I took a few photographs of my creation after lunch, and this evening I would like to share forward the feel good frequencies with all of you. InJoy!



"I hereby declare this sacred space, and all herein, to be uplifted, cleansed, purified & protected with the power of crystal medicine and reiki healing energy."



..It Is So..

"That which you are seeking, my friend, is already within you. Look inside, and see for yourself." 💖~April

Thank you for Being YOU! & for spending some of your time in @thereikiforest.

It is a pleasure & honor to be sharing this journey with you, Beauty-Full. Have a wonderful day! Namaste

Gif courtesy of @malos10
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