📣 Reiki Roll Call: Energy Medicine for All Whom are Open to Receiving 💖

Hello Beauty-Fulls ~ Blissings & Blessings to You & Yours!

Today's Reiki Boost is intended to assist us with forgiveness & healing traumatic experiences.

Tuning into this broadcast of frequencies offers help with transmuting energy patterns that were established through pain that have been deeply embedded within us. This transmission offers us an extra 'push' & support that enables us to confidently address core issues at the root. This empowers us to reclaim our personal power, cut cords and to move forward more easily in wholeness, balance & wellness in our journey.

When you are ready to receive this dose of energy medicine, take a few deep breaths & sincerely open your heart to accept this gift.



All that is required of you is an open heart & sincere willingness to receive this Reiki transmission...

Each broadcast of energy is intended for our highest possible healing & greatest good, in all areas of our lives & within every level of our Being.



It Is So.

Relax, Breathe & Receive

♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥



♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥

Thank You For BEING YOU!! & for allowing @thereikiforest to be of Soul Service.

Courtesy of @artedellavita

Courtesy of @malos10

Unless otherwise stated...content is Always Original & Reiki Infused

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