there was a death accident

Assalaamu'alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh, Permission Dan

Reporting Laphar Laka Then that happened on Tuesday June 06, 2018, at approximately 14.00 WIB. General Road Banda Aceh - Medan, Gampong Jok Tanjong Kec. Padang Tiji Kab. Pidie.


Between Ranmor R2 type Suzuki Without the Police Number is driven by
Name: JAMALUDDIN (Experiencing Light Luka)
Age: 42 Years
Occupation: Farmer
Address: Gampong Jok Tanjong Kec. Padang Tiji Kab. Pidie.

Together with
Name: BADRI (Died)
Age: 40 Years
Job: IRT
Address: Gampong Jok Tanjong Kec. Padang Tiji Kab. Pidie

Name: SARBAL FAHMI (Experiencing Light Luka)
Age: 9 Years
Job: Student
Address: Gampong Gampong Jok Tanjong Kec. Padang Tiji Kab. Pidie

Name: HAFIR (Experiencing Heavy Injuries)
Age: 2 Years
Job: -
Address: Gampong Gampong Jok Tanjong Kec. Padang Tiji Kab. Pidie

Name: MURSALIN (Died)
Age: 5 Years
Job: -
Address: Gampong Gampong Jok Tanjong Kec. Padang Tiji Kab. Pidie

Collide with Ranmor R6 type MOBUS CV. SIMPATI STAR BL-7709-AA driven by
Name: M. YAMIN
Age: 54 Years
Job: Driver
Address: Gampong Mesjid Trienggadeng Kec. Trienggdeng Kab. Pidie Jaya


When Ranmor R6 type MOBUS CV. SIMPATI STAR BL-7709-AA comes from the direction of Banda Aceh to the direction of Medan which drove at high speed upon arrival at the scene there is a bridge and as it passes the Driver's Bridge Ranmor R6 type MOBUS CV. SIMPATI STAR BL-7709-AA does not pay attention to rider Ranmor R2 type Suzuki Without Police Number in front of it turn right road so that Driver Ranmor R6 type MOBUS CV. SIMPATI STAR BL-7709-AA is lost control and ignites the right and the distance is so close that there is a collision with Ranmor R2 Type Rider Suzuki Without Police Number.

As a result of that

Died: 2
Heavy Wounds: 1
Mild Wounds: 2

Materill loss Rp. ± 1.000.000, - (One Million Rupiah)

Steps taken

  • Go to Tkp
  • Inventory Witness
  • documentation
  • Coordination
  • Securing BB
  • make a report
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