In the flower paradise of Kemer... #TheLongestTrip


We couldn't sleep that night... Lately our regime has become very strange.
We fall asleep at 5 in the morning and get up after 12-13. Perhaps the active and noisy life of Kemer in the height of the tourist season affects us.
Our apartment is on the 2nd floor of a building on a central street where cars drive and people walk all night.



So, one night we couldn't fall asleep until 6 o'clock in the morning. And my Darinka said: Mom, I always dreamed of going for a walk at dawn. Since we are "owls" - we never walk at dawn, except for rare occasions, like my swimming in the bay near Finike.
And @darine.darine and I left our @bugavi to sleep and went to enjoy deserted Kemer.
First, we came to the embankment, where there is an original arch for a photo session of tourists in the form of colorful hearts. The morning sea was clean and calm. But the pebbles were cold. We decided to swim later when the rocks were hot.



The walk continued along quiet flowery streets in the direction of the parking lot. And then I remembered my favorite hobby of taking photos of flowers. This beauty of Turkey - colorful flower vines - was my first impression of this beautiful country when I arrived last spring in Kemer.



From this ground, where people learn to drive a car, there are beautiful views of the Kemer Mountains.



Then there is a quiet street near the field, where I again meet various flowers that remind me of my native Ukraine. These are pleasant and at the same time painful memories. It's like a life that was in another dimension. Because suddenly everything that kept me in Ukraine disappeared. Only memories, memories, memories.... Dear, sweet and painful...



These are blue chicory flowers. This is a poppy. Here is a mallow, inside which a snail lives... And this is an onion flower. Suddenly, my entire past life flashed before my eyes and in my heart. Childhood in the grandmother's garden. Walks with mom among the poppies. Reflections in the wheat fields of Ukraine and the smell of chicory...



Finally, we came to a pine forest, where tall Kemeru pines grow into the sky... Here I did my physical exercises for health, and Darinka danced.



Our walk lasted a long time. After breakfast, we walked on the flower alley, where flowering vines are in the form of arches and the air is fragrant and intoxicating.



And in the evening, we swam and walked in the evening Kemer, enjoyed the magic of the Turkish night.



And this cat sleeping on a moped was the reason for a smile on my face ๐Ÿ˜Š


Thanks for the great initiative #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay :)

And we continue to be on our #TheLongestTrip. Thank you all for your visit and support ๐Ÿ’•

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