Yesteryears-the graycontest week3


The hails and storms pelt forth,
My wings have grown wet,
I would run faster,
Here goes quicksand!
So the phases past.

So i pray not i drown,
Following the course of the winds,
"I won't give up!" I keep muttering,
So the phases past,
Those were yesteryears,
Life's a field of landmines,
Just before the glorious vineyard.
Those were yesteryears,
So the phases past!

Today the hails pelt harder,
Whirlwinds toggle my chest,
I manage to drag through this mud,
I'm only yards from the treasure.
This moments will phase past,
Encouragement surges in my bones,
Thus made me this far!

And struggles will be yesteryears,
When i live not in moments,
But duplex of legends in minds of nations to come!

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