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#thegoodnews Gazette (5) - Sunday January 28th, 2018 - Your Weekly Good News Paper! - Only On Steemit!

#thegoodnews Gazette (5) - Sunday January 28th, 2018

@soulturtle has created the cover for the #thegoodnews Gazette! Thank you @soulturtle!

This weeks #thegoodnews is here. All pictures will take you to the original articles


Mel Boutilier is approaching 90 years of age and show no signs of slowing down his charity work. For 34 years he has been helping people who are struggling and are having trouble getting their needs met. Mel just recently received his degree in civil law from Saint Mary's University and turns 90 tomorrow January 29th, 2018. Mel's involvement in the community has been huge He started the Parker Street Food and Furniture Bank in 1983, the Metro Share and Care Society and also donates truck loads worth of goods to Syrian refugees. A really great story to read.

Sneaky Ninja at work..... by @chackett

Follow the sneaky ninja @chackett as he goes on an errands run. He is creating #ophumanangels cards on the spot and distributing them around the different stores as he shops. This genuine messages will definitely brighten people's days. Click on the photo to see the entire story.

The goodnews Gazette (4) how MY Mother gets to take a walk to the market after 3 years of being sick with stroke. by @josediccus

@josediccus's mother had a stroke and became unable to walk. Years went by and still she was unable to walk.
@josediccus received a phone call from his uncle the other day that his mother has started walking again. Out of nowhere she has regained her ability to walk and traveled to the market to purchase some goods with the money @josediccus had sent her. Truly a remarkable story and deserves to be read.

This Week's Random Acts of Kindness by the Steem Blockchain #OpHumanAngels by @lyndsaybowes

In this post @lyndsaybowes complies a weekly recap of all the #OpHumanAngels actions. She puts together a beautiful vlog of all the different posts from the #OpHumanAngels tag. It's a wonderful video and even if you don't have time to watch the entire 15 minute video she put together a quick written version.

A morning stroll by @davedickeyyall

@davedickeyyall goes for a morning stroll and places his #OpHumanAngels cards around. @davedickeyyall is a master at spreading positive messages. In this post he even has a humorous drop off location which I suggest you click on the above photo to check it out.

Continuing on my steemit lucky streak! @venomnymous

@venomnymous is in the midst of winning another contest and feels confident in his selection to the Steemian who has most "Butt Hurt" others. You can check out his nomination and his link to his comment to upvote and support his pick in his post.

Blog Post: I get to meet David Tennant! by @khackett

@khackett is so very excited to share her good news with us. She has received the best birthday gift EVER!
She gets to meet David Tennant and get his autograph. She might even get him to him to autograph her arm then she will get it tattooed. Check out her post by clicking on the photo.

New Calf! by @fishyculture

@fishyculture has created a vlog on Dtube to share with us the new calf she has on her farm. She had a pregnant cow and when she went to check on her she got there right as the calf hit the snow. It's beautiful video and you can watch it by clicking on the photo above.

Very Good News: Steemians I hit over 300 Followers by @elijah-blogs

I don't usually encourage posts about hitting "Followers" milestones however I feel in this case it's a little bit different. @elijah-blogs is by the looks of it only a teenage boy who has joined Steemit and I do want to support the youth on this platform. I have made a couple of suggestions to him recently and hope that he takes my advice to be able to reach his desired goals here on Steemit.

Its that time of the month again...OPHUMANANGELS by @chackett

In this article @chackett has chosen to cash out 50 Steem to help local charity Heart to Heart Charity in ClearLake, WA. The Heart to Heart Charity is putting together really cool backpack kits for he homeless and other people in need. You should definitely check this post out.

OpHumanAngels: Cascade Mall by @khackett

@khackett took the kids to the children's museum at her local mall and decided to do a #OpHumanAngels card dropping session. She created 8 fabulous messages our her cards and dropped them off at different locations throughout the mall. To find out what the cards said and what locations she chose you can click on the photo above to be taken to the article.

My First 100 Days On Steemit And My Gratitude @cheneats

@cheneats touches on his slow start here on Steemit and advises others to just hang in there and stay consistent. Continue to blog with or without receiving large upvotes on posts. Here is super grateful for his delegations he received for fellow Steemians. @cheneats also took a co worker out for lunch to lift her spirits on her birthday.

To get your story in the #thegoodnews Gazette create a "Good News" post and tag it #thegoodnews and I will review your post, upvote it and you could find yourself in the #thegoodnews Gazette.

See you next Sunday when I release the third edition of the @thegoodnews Gazette!

Previous Issues Of The #thegoodnews Gazette!

#thegoodnews Gazette (1) - Sunday December 31st, 2017

#thegoodnews Gazette (2) - Sunday January 7th, 2018

#thegoodnews Gazette (3) - Sunday January 14th, 2018

#thegoodnews Gazette (4) - Sunday January 21st, 2018

#thegoodnews Gazette - A Steemit Exclusive - Covering Good News Around The World!

Please go to to read all the articles and stay on top of that #thegoodnews.

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