The future is female.

I mean - so was the past - we're seemingly in a pocket of misogynist patriarchal bluster at the moment.  Referring to the past - the old matriarchal lines that led us from chaos - creating structure and bonding, familial based growth and matrilinear passing of wisdoms. Only recently usurped by modern 'beardy in the sky' religions - well 2000 years is modern cf the time scales that evolution of our species has taken, to create today's societies..

Knowledge of plants that heal, of roots & berries that sustain, of ways to survive a hostile world. Such wisdom is only a threat after we've established the ascendancy; when fragile ego-led men strove to impose their own 'might is right' power-based agendas.. Justified by some book or other that was written, translated, censored and promulgated by other men - and used to justify the subordination of the masses - but often especially 'the other half of the sky'.

Don't get me wrong - some men have added to the furtherance of the species, not all Y-chromosome biased beings are implicated - but few are strong enough in themselves to speak out without biased opinion.. Them and Us is not only about race, religion or nationality - even today - it's still about sex. Sadly the Divide & Conquer contest still plays hard & fast in this arena. (Neither 'hard' nor 'fast' is a particularly female approach - for example)

So why this poorly referenced rant, this feminist essay from one so very ill-equipped to speak on such matters.. ? Mainly to celebrate the sisterhood - the witches of old, the wise women and the saviours of the future (IMHO).. and to mark the global occasion - what a march yesterday.!

True - the comparison with the inauguration crowds was immediately laughable for the pussy grabbing apologists - so far outstripping the 'celebrations' for the US's 45th President it simply and unambiguously underlined what is actually important at this moment in time..

Rising up - finding our commonality. Realising the power that we all hold - but in general that supreme power that 'the weaker sex' holds. It is stronger to feel compassion, more powerful to embrace empathy, the mark of a champion to ensure that we all win together.

This world is often characterised by competition - whereas getting past the (typically male) pseudoscience, it's often the fact that co-operation is (and always has been) key - we simply need each other - and to evolve as a species we all need to ensure that we help every last being progress - we're only as strong as the support we give the weakest.  

So women - don't forget, don't retreat into the well worn, self deprecation inculcated by advertising, employment systems, figures of speech and 2000 years of belittlement. Yours is the future - and we must all work together that it comes sooner, not later. In view of the last few days - we need that game-changer - and we need it bad.

The March  

Naomi Klein on Trump Election: "This is a Corporate Coup d’État"

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