October 2015 Transmission from a Future Reality Frame

This is part three of of my initial series of articles about The Event, for part one see:

Part One The Vision

part two Research :

  • John W Dunne

  • October 2015, transmission from a future reality frame.

John W Dunne

Some of the earliest evidence of being able to see the future through dreams was documented by a man named John William Dunne in a book he published in 1927


Mr Dunne was one of the first Aeronautical engineers, even before the Wright brothers made their first flight in 1903, Mr Dunne was working on designs for planes that humans could fly. I believe it was his analytical mind that compelled him to investigate the connection between dreams and non linear time.

When he noticed that some of the things he dreamed about were coming to pass, later during he waking life, he began to record his dreams. One such case stands out. He dreamed of of many people dying when a volcano erupts. He wrote a number he remembered from his dream, down. Then sometime later, it really happened. He was reading the newspaper of the day, but was surprised to see that the number in the newspaper, and the number in his dream were off by an order of magnitude. This and other things led him to the inescapable conclusion that he wasn’t just having dreams of the general future. He was dreaming of his specific future, of his future self reading the newspaper. You see, he just misremembered the number he read from the dream.

I am telling you this to show that not only is there evidence of someone’s consciousness observing the future, but that the information when it gets sent back the the physical brain in his current reality frame can be distorted, or misremembered in a sense. This point is important for what I am going to lay out next.

October 2015, transmission from a future reality frame

Now we start the real journey down the rabbit hole.

During 2015 I continued my investigation into this the temporal shockwave I perceived in 2014. I say perceived, because it was not a dream, I was fully awake, so it was more of a full on vision, or glimpse of a future event. But during that glimpse, there was no doubt that this event existed in the future in some reality frame that is just as real as this one. I monitored a number of “alternative media” sites and forums to see if anyone else was perceiving this or anything resembling it.

Something caught me eye in the fall of 2015. I noted it as something that may be of interest but it went to the back of my mind, until the both Carolina Panthers and New England Patriots started winning the playoffs and were about to play for the championship games for their respected conferences (AFC and NFC) to determine who would go to the super bowl . This is when I remembered the reddit post and fate would have it that someone submitted it to be archive in October.


Unfortunately when I searched reddit later, all accounts associated with that user including cosmci were deleted.

When the Patriots lost to the Denver Broncos, I thought, perhaps he just made some good guesses that were lucky enough to hit at the beginning of his predictions, and that now it was over.

However, I spent all of 2016 and 2017 in amazement at how close to the mark he got.

I remember how when I watched the Star Wars movie that at the end we find out that the one female Jedi was searching for Luke. In the comments of that prediction page the OP writes that “All I'm going to say is Luke is lost.”

He claimed that Kanye West was going to release an album in 2016 called “Fuck”. I was going to add it to the misses but then there was big news in November of 2016 after the election of Trump, about Kanye West going on a rant then getting committed in a mental ward. I looked up the video.

This is falls under “fair use” for the purposes of discussion and critique.

When I listened to what he was saying, I knew that there was something more going on here. This was another example of distortion of information across the time lines. I mean, how well do you remember your dreams? Recalling such details months or years later, it is easy to see how it could be like the John W Dunne example I wrote about in the beginning of this article.

Listen very carefully to what Kanye is saying. Also take note of his use of the work “Fuck”.
When I began to see all the connections, it added more evidence to my belief that there are parallel universe or reality frames and that somehow our souls can travel back in time, to a world that is similar to our own but different.

I believe that the reason the worst predictions from the list did not come true (yet?) is because in that destructive future he saw, they somehow collided with that shockwave groundhog day style. And it sent souls back in time to a parallel universe that was similar to the one they came from.

I believe this has (is) happening to all of us and that sometimes when we cross an event that is similar to the one that played out in the previous time line, this is what people call Deja Vu.

I believe that this is what is causing the thing that people are calling “the Mandela effect”. I also believe that as we approach the temporal shockwave, this Mandela effect will become greater, like a rising tide of waves, before a tsunami.

I believe this, not only because a growing mountain of evidence, that this is true, but also because like Captain Kirk in the no win simulation, I refuse to accept that we are lost.

This I believe with all my soul.

Because if this isn’t real, then nothing is.

This concludes part three in the series.


Part 4 Cubs win world series

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