The happenings around us are enough proof that the end has come. The mysterious deaths, social unrest, false prophets, immorality is in its highest order to the extent that the society encourages it.

The world is upside down, inside out, sideways, crazy, nasty. Bad is good; up is down; left is right; right is wrong; evil is good; insanity is sanity; abnormal is normal. It so obvious that the end is near. And also the Bible says in Matthew 24:12 'And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold'. Isn't this so obvious today, Iniquity is in its highest order even though there is more than 1 church on every street.

Virtually everyone goes to church yet evil increases every single day. Many that once served God have lost conviction. False prophets are on the increase teaching people wrong doctrines. Nobody wants to go to hell yet are still committing sin. People lie everyday and think it's normal but the Bible says ' all liars shall have their part in the lake of fire'.

Jesus has paid the price so that we may saved and so that when he comes we might go with him to heaven. He doesn't want us to perish. Let us go to him in faith and ask for mercy so that whenever he comes we will be ready to go with him. We don't know when the rapture will take place so we should be ready at all times.

The end is near!!!

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