The Dream Diaries. That one with the apocalypse beginning.

Here comes another #thedreamdiaries post.


(I did the photo edit for the cover image. )

The dream had started out with us moving into a new home. We were in a nice, old and weathered looking cabin. It had a partial wrap around porch, we had just settled in and my daughter was in the yard playing with another little girl while the girl's father helped us move the last of our furniture into the home. We had an elderly
Pitbull with dark brown fur and a gray muzzle, slow moving.

The sky was cloudy, there was lighting over the mountains and the news was on in the background. I remember feeling the sensation of cool moist and humid air. It was a strong breeze but not windy. The landscape was prairie with mountains in the distance, but close enough for me to see the contrast of color.

On the news there were reports of the land cracking and molten rocks flying into the air at random when the earth would open. The land was rearranging itself in the dream.

I felt a deep fear in the dream and looked outside the window to see the guy I am trying to sue in real life running away and my elderly dog sitting on the porch growling, but not moving..

My daughter and the other little girl were lying on the ground passed out, bruised and raped, there were toys laid our around them in a perfect circle... My daughter was 2 and 1/2 in the now at this point nightmare..

I tried to call 911, but I couldn't get technology to work, and I couldn't get my fingers to dial the number correctly. When I finally got through to 911, there was no answer and there was an automated message saying that all emergency services were offline due to a global weather crisis.

I had a panic attack in the nightmare at that moment. We had to sit with her outside and the little girl who was playing with her had passed away..

I was holding my little girl.. It started to rain and she morphed into a young boy.. Approximately 6 years old.. He called me mom and started asking me why he had to not be born.. Why he had to wait to be born.. And then morphed into a young man about 22 looking with darker hair and he said "I could have grown up to be this man you see."

In real life.. I had a miscarriage when I was in school still.. I was engaged to the father and planned to marry him when we were both 18.. I miscarried the child after another teen had punched me in the gut for not wanting to date him because I was waiting for my ex to get out of having to live 3 cities away.. His parents decided to move far away when we started dating.

Back to dream world.. I looked at him and said "You must be my son, Jo." the name Jo is not short for anything.. The energy says that Jo spelled like that is how it is...

I feel like my nightmare is telling me not to trust the dude I am suing and that I have good reason not to trust him.. He is acting out just like the guy from high school did.. I am terrified that something bad might happen to my daughter due to this guy..


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