TIL(Today I Learned): Alex Jones was an Executive Producer on the "Loose Change" 9/11 Documentary!

I was listening to Infowars' "Real News" this morning with David Knight and he was talking about Donald Trump & his comments about possibly bombs in the building as well as the planes hitting to cause so much damage back in 2001 days after 9/11 and he referenced the documentary titled "Loose Change". He then mentioned that Infowars' own Alex Jones was an Executive Producer of the documentary! Having since "been woke" to the world around me and have taken multiple red pills this blew my mind!

Now I had remembered hearing about this documentary back in the day and it making the rounds all over the internet but back then I was asleep, or better put "in twilight" about the world around me and always considered it a possibility that it was an inside job but never really did research on it. I watched some of it but shrugged it off. I'm going to have to watch it again with my eyes that can now see and really pay attention.

The documentary can be seen in full here for free on YouTube:

And for reference here is the Donald Trump video of his thoughts about what happened that day:

Let me know what you guys think & God Bless!

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