Press Release 01 - New Year's Eve Disclosure

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This is the thedarkoverlord here to deliver a message.

For those of you who live in the Nothern Hemisphere of planet Earth, Autumn has come to an end and Winter has arrived. The deciduous trees have been stripped nude with their discoloured leaves having fallen to the ground. Many creatures have had to prepare for their hibernation in Winter, eating and then gaining body fat (similar to humans during the holidays which are celebrated during this time of year). However, the creatures that make up thedarkoverlord do not hibernate, sleep, slow down, pause, or stop. For they work around the clock, pillaging and taking whatever they desire or seeping through the cracks of the foundation of the unlucky entity they targeted, weaving into them undetected and striking with surgical precision.

As 2018 has drawn to a close, we're welcoming 2019 with open arms and a big announcement, as we've done in the past. Many companies have received letters from us in the past few days and everyone who's a prospective client of ours should take note of this announcement.

Throughout our demonic fits of hacking, we often come across or create situations that turn quite peculiar very quickly. One such case was when we initiated an action against a seemingly ordinary company located in the United States, that unfortunately, didn't turn out the way we wanted. We breached their network and stole hundreds of gigabytes of litigation related documents (and others, that the world may soon come to see). We investigated our grand pile of loot and we found documents in regards to one of the most infamous events in the history of the United States. The key is that the documents were not public, nor would this company want them public. Not to mention thousands of documents surrounding companies such as Monsanto, Bank of America, and many other Fortune 500 companies. Hundreds of thousands of documents. What sorts of documents, specifically? E-mails, retainer agreements, non-disclosure agreements, settlements, litigation strategies, liability analysis, defence formations, collection of expert witness testimonies, testimonies, communications with government officials in countries all over the world, voice mails, dealings with the FBI, USDOJ, DOD, and more, confidential communications, and so much more.

We immediately approached this company with our most handsome business proposition, which they were reluctant to accept. However, they ultimately accepted and provided us a financial payment that satisfied our agreement. However, as with previous clients in the past (we're looking at you: Larson Studios), this client of ours also violated the agreement and began cooperating with law enforcement, which our agreements strictly forbid unless it's legally required of the client. This involvement with law enforcement became clear to us months later through a source of ours disclosing details of the client to us that we never informed the source about. We were absolutely appalled by this transgression against our agreement. We decided to offer this company a second chance to repent, accept responsibility, and satisfy our penalty request. They declined to accept our offer, so we're here today.

Let's get right into the juicy bits, shall we? Since our organisation has been around, we've performed many hacks that have resulted in some hilarious news articles and reports, grandiose stories of entire regions closing schools, NSA, CIA, GCHQ investigating us, hoping to hunt us down, raids all over the world, arrests of alleged members, and so much more. Most of you may know us from our hacks of Netflix and other studios such as ABC, HBO, CBS, and others. We do hope you haven't cancelled your subscription to them. However, the entire planet will now know our name as a result of a single client of ours failing our arrangement and refusing to accept the fair penalties. Edward Snowden leaks were quite impressive and caught the world's attention due to the highly sensitive nature of the materials and the global impact. What we're about to announce and leak will top Edward Snowden's finest work, both in volume and in impact. We'll guarantee to all our astute readers that the subsequent release of these materials will generate millions of news articles and result in the biggest and most significant data breach ever to have occurred.

Before we continue onto the story at hand, we'd like to remind the people of this planet who we are. We're now going to quote one of our own posts that we made on the very famous dark web hacker market and forum 'KickAss' (which you can find at the Tor address after this message) that was in response to a forum member stating that most hackers have nothing to worry about "if you're hacking a small dog food shop website, the people that will be after you won't be the same people that after you if you are carbanak."


"That's strange. We hack 'small dog food shops' regularly and yet we're hunted by the NSA and CIA. Our threat model is quite different than the majority of KA users. In fact, GCHQ has publicly released an advisory about thedarkoverlord hacking organisation. The NSA and even the CIA have been confirmed as hunting down thedarkoverlord. We're more hunted than Carbanak.

Our favourite article:

[begin quote]
Flathead Valley authorities contacted the FBI about two days after threats began, once they realized the group was not local. Lawrence said experts from the CIA and NSA also became involved in investigating the hack.

"These were world-class people," Lawrence said.

At one point, unsuccessful raids were conducted in London attempting to locate hackers, Lawrence said. But hackers use programs that cycle rapidly through IP addresses, which can show where someone is connecting to the internet, masking their location.

"They actually kicked down a couple of doors," Lawrence said.
[end quote]

Our second favourite:

[begin quote]
The Dark Overlord Systematic cyber-enabled extortion

A cyber crime group called ‘The Dark Overlord’ has claimed responsibility for conducting cyber-enabled extortion campaigns in recent weeks. Victims include a London-based plastic surgery clinic and a Hollywood production studio, both of which are believed to have a number of high-profile clients. The group has a history of hacking organisations to obtain sensitive information before demanding money in exchange for not leaking it into the public domain. They leak snippets of data to the media to encourage them to report on their activity. This is aimed at “proving” that a breach has taken place, and increases the pressure on the victim to pay the ransom. ‘The Dark Overlord’ has been responsible for indiscriminately targeting health institutions, schools and media production companies over the last year.

Any organisation that deals with sensitive personal information (e.g. medical institutions, law firms) is at a higher risk of being targeted, and owes a particular duty of care to its clients because of the risk of severe emotional distress if client data is made public. Whilst evidence of the stolen data is often provided, the volume and sensitivity of the data may be exaggerated to maximise impact. This may inspire other cyber extortionists to adopt a similar methodology, especially as new opportunities present themselves due to an increasing amount of sensitive data being stored online. Any data breach and the associated media exposure may cause significant reputational damage and loss of business.
[end quote]

Listen to that one 'The Dark Overlord Systematic cyber-enabled extortion'. Beautiful.

As you can see, publicly reported proof that we have nation-states hunting us, and we're still here, stronger than ever. We have government agencies from all over the world writing advisories about our threat activities:

[begin quote]
TDO engages in a pattern of verbal abuse and threats of violence during communication with victims, regardless of the victims’ willingness to pay extortion demands. In a recent incident, TDO threatened to publicize the sensitive behavioral reports and private health information of students. Throughout September and October 2017, TDO was reportedly connected to multiple threats of violence on school campuses, often prior to extortion attempts.
[end quote]

In fact, you can find dozens of videos of law enforcement agents standing behind podiums speaking about how they're working to stop us, from making appearances in conferences all over the world, to speaking behind podiums in their districts after we've pwned a local business. The United States Congress has even had a hearing about us, true story, and Christopher Wray himself (director of the U.S. FBI) has testified about his efforts against us.

Enjoy the director of the FBI speaking to U.S. Congress about thedarkoverlord:

[begin quote]
Daines: “So I understand it’s an active investigation and you’re limited in finding details however looking back at the big picture, what is the F.B.I. doing to attribute these cyber crimes and help bring these criminals to justice?”

Wray: “There’s a of variety of technological things we can do. We are also working with partners to try to exchange information to help identify telltale signs that may help us link back to particular organizations. I think one of things we’re seeing more and more in this area as much as any other is how this stuff transcends boundaries, and so some of the same organizations are targeting victims in other countries as well. We’re really working more and more with our partners to try to see if we can have their two plus our two to get more than four, to get five and six and so that we can really deal with these otherwise very elusive foes.”
[end quote]

Listen to this: 'so that we can really deal with these otherwise very elusive foes.'. We're 'very elusive foes'. Brilliant. Not to mention we're published in virtually every major news publication. Let's chat about threat models, shall we?"


We had the United State's Congress speaking about us then, now we'll see how they speak about now, after this announcement. Now that you're present on who we are and what we've done, let's dive deeper into this announcement.

Earlier in 2018, there was a fantastic and very brief article that was published about a global insurer being hacked. The hackers weren't named and the story fell to the darkness shortly after it came about. No further mentions were made. You might guess who these hackers were. Hello world! What was that story? It was this one:

What's the takeaway? We hacked Hiscox Syndicates Ltd.

And why didn't Hiscox Syndicates Ltd make this more public? Well, keep reading on to find out! It wasn't just Hiscox Syndicates Ltd that was put at risk, it was Lloyds of London as well as others. Another entity unnamed in this article is Lloyds of London and who we'll attribute as also being involved. Hiscox Syndicates Ltd and Lloyds of London are some of the biggest insurers on the planet insuring everything from the smallest policies to some of the largest policies on the planet, and who even insured structures such as the World Trade Centers. At this point, the keen amongst you may finally be drawing conclusions at this point, but you'll still be astonished at what's to come. Keep reading. This also means that Silverstein Properties is involved, doesn't it? Now things are getting more interesting. Most of you readers will not be privy to the processes and methods utilised by Fortune 500s to litigate high-impact cases, but we are, and thankfully for us, we're going to let you in on this process. When major incidents like the WTC 911 incident happen, part of the litigation must involve SSI (Sensitive Security Information) and SCI (Special Compartment Information) from the likes of the FBI, CIA, TSA, FAA, DOD, and others being introduced into evidence, but of course this can't become public, for fear of compromising a nation's security, so they temporarily release these materials to the solicitor firms involved in the litigation with the strict demand they're destroyed after their use and that remain highly protected and confidential to only be used behind closed doors. However, humans aren't perfect and many of these documents don't become destroyed, and when thedarkoverlord comes along hacking all these solicitor firms, investment banks, and global insurers, we stumble upon the juiciest secrets a government has to offer.

What's the takeaway? We hacked Lloyds of London and Silverstein Properties.

This release of 911 Litigation Documents is highly exclusive and only available from thedarkoverlord! For a limited time only, we're leaking the first few documents as proof of our trove on the famous dark web hacker forum 'KickAss'. For those of you who are most interested in acquiring the entire set of documents, which counts at over 18.000 documents, to include .doc, .pdf, .ppt, .xls, .tif, .msg, and many other interesting formats (or just to acquire the most highly secret and confidential documents), the good news for you is that we'll be selling these documents for a limited time. If you're a terrorist organisation such as ISIS/ISIL, Al-Qaeda, or a competing nation state of the USA such as China or Russia, you're welcome to purchase our trove of documents. You can easily contact us on the dark web hacker forum 'KickAss' or by e-mailing us at the e-mail found below. We'll also sign our PGP key into this message so that you may use our PGP key to contact us if you prefer to be more discreet.

What we'll be releasing is the truth. The truth about one of the most recognisable incidents in recent history and one which is shrouded in mystery with little transparency and not many answers. What we're offering to the world is the truth, exclusively from us, one of the planets premier hacking organisations dedicated to breaching leading targets and acquiring the most scandalous materials that we may use in our systematic extortion campaigns.

If a full public release happens in the near future, we'll guarantee that we're going to withhold only the most highly confidential and sensitive documents for private sale. For the rest of you: don't worry, there's thousands of documents still to go around.

If you're one of the dozens of solicitor firms who was involved in the litigation, a politician who was involved in the case, a law enforcement agency who was involved in the investigations, a property management firm, an investment bank, a client of a client, a reference of a reference, a global insurer, or whoever else, you're welcome to contact our e-mail below and make a request to formally have your documents and materials withdrawn from any eventual public release of the materials. However, you'll be paying us.

If you're a member of the press and would like to make an enquiry, you may do so at our press e-mail which is well known by members of the press. You may acquire this from any reporters who've published our quotes, as they all have it and will accept this signed announcement as permission to share our press e-mail address with you.

We've linked below sixteen images from a very few of the documents from the legal firm Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin, who is now Husch Blackwell. More details and files are available on the KickAss dark web hacker forum.

If the images above are taken down, use the link below:


We're also releasing a small part of the larger archive of the 911 World Trade Center Litigation documents publicly. There's thousands of files included in the archive. Everyone can freely have a copy of the archive and we would encourage it. However, the archive is completely encrypted using a very strong AES encryption and very strong master keys that will prevent anyone from decrypting the veracrypt containers until we publicly release the keys for each layer. The archive is split between five layers. Layer 1 being the most modest, and Layer 5 containing the most heavy hitting and impactful documents, with Layer 2, Layer 3, and Layer 4 containing ever-increasingly scandalous materials. We encourage everyone to obtain a copy of all five archives. As time goes on, we may publicly release keys for each of these containers if our requests from the involved companies are not met. The link to download the 10 GB archive is below. Stay tuned for the possible release of decryption keys. We may release these keys on our new official Twitter page (@tdo_h4ck3rs) and/or on the dark web hacker forum 'KickAss'.

Below is the link to the torrent file to download the archive. The magnet URL follows the PGP at the end of this release.

SHA1 HASH: F4C18CF980648E9FBDAC55952F5F3485DBBA95F9

And finally, a message to the companies directly involved to include the airlines, government agencies, the dozens of solicitor firms, the insurers, and the many others, this is a message directly to you: pay the fuck up, or we're going to bury you with this. If you continue to fail us, we'll escalate these releases by releasing the keys, each time a Layer is opened, a new wave of liability will fall upon you. You know our contact details.

You're welcome, heathens and what's the final lesson? When you're a client of ours and you've accepted an agreement of ours: follow it to the letter. We're not motivated by any political thoughts. We're not hacktivists. We're motivated only by our pursuit of internet money (Bitcoin).

Stay tuned on PasteBin for future announcements related to this leak. We'll always sign all of our releases for verification of authenticity. Subsequent announcements may include this original announcement.

Your friends,
thedarkoverlord (@tdo_h4ck3rs)
Professional Adversarial Threat Group
TheDarkOverlord Solutions LLC, World Wide Web, LLC

Give us a follow on our new Twitter (@tdo_h4ck3rs)!

P.S. We have more documents like these from other hacks of ours. If you're interested in industry specific materials, we can supply them for your purchase. We have dozens of TBs of data from almost all industries! We have everything from customer databases, medical records, credit cards, intellectual property, classified materials, source code, and much more and it's all for sale. Many of our for-sale threads are on the dark web hacker forum 'KickAss' and they detail our requested prices and the content available. We're of course always negotiable on pricing.

P.S.S. To all of our current and past associates, clients, colleagues, customers, and friends: we thank you for your entertaining exchanges and relationships and we wish you continued success.

thedarkoverlord E-Mail Address:
Backup1 E-Mail Address:
Backup2 E-Mail Address: thedarkoverlord@torbox3uiot6wchz.onion
Make your own at (www.torbox3uiot6wchz.onion)
KickAss Tor Address: kickassugvgoftuk.onion




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