The Blacklist Season 1 (2013) Series/Show Review


The handing over opening scene is already something different, I like it.

“Everything about me is a lie.” “If anyone can give me a second chance it’s you.” “Career criminal father, mother that died from weakness and shame.” So what’s he talking about?

Tom and Liz attempting adoption seemed like it shouldn’t be there in the first place.

Dude, the retribution aspect of the chief villain Zamani was a wonderfully realistic tool. Props to the writers!
The car crash and abducting Beth was a massive smack. I felt it too!

I still don’t understand why Ressler jumps in the water after the guys get away in a boat, when they’re long gone!
“Very intresting fellow. Completely unrelated to any of this.” Ahahahahahah!!!!

Red is so sarcastic! I love it!!! “I don’t know what the hell any of this is.” Hahahahahahaahahaha!

The whole sequence with James Spader in handcuffs is HILARIOUS.

Dude, Zamani attacking Tom in their house was SCARY.

The violence is really hard to watch.

The break in of the Cabal’s guys was some shit. Scared me for a week.

Aram comes in episode 3! Ha! “My instincts told me it was her.” Ahahaha! I just didn’t want Henry’s son to die in episode 3.

“I’m never telling you everything.”

The Courier’s physicality is quite extraordinary, frankly, to me. Professionals call it a disorder, but it always amazes me, what we humans are capable of.

The story of Tom and Liz’s relationship is super interesting. So is Liz and Red’s relationship .I still doubt James Spader is Liz’s father.

“Five sided foxhole,” as a reference to the Pentagon. Hahahahah!

Collateral damage Donald.

“Ressler slipped on a banana peel?” HAahahaha!

Dude, for Anslo Garrick Part 1, that creates the suspense and fear. Anslo is about to attack The Post Office. Red’s warning them, and no one takes him seriously til the power goes. The fact Red finds a way to insult Anslo’s appearance during part 1 is so funny! Liz running through The Post Office barefoot is not the biz. It makes no sense.

“If you’ve surmised nothing about me yet, know this: I’m going to be around for the sequel.” Yep, me too.

I can’t stand the screaming.

Dude, I really thought Dembe would die til Aram saved him.

Dude, Mr. Kaplan’s intro is here! I just, I love her character. Originally, Mr. Kaplan was just that, written for a man. But I’m so glad it didn’t end that way! Susan brings so much to the table!!!!

And the intro of Alan Fitch is also here!!

Get off your high horse Coop. You’re the same as Red.

Anslo and Fitch! HA! Anslo said,” That’s not my problem.”

Red murdering Anslo is a really telling scene. With all the shit that goes down, with the hell Red goes through, who really has the upper hand in a situation? Red or his opponent? The situation isn’t always as it seems with Red. Appearances are deceiving with Red, in true tradecraft.

Everyone’s a suspect? Except Cooper and Meera.

When Red interrogates people to find out who let in Anslo Garrick, what kind of fucking song is this? Some attempt at a Kubrickian device?

The zoom in of Red’s hat when Henry comes home is soooo creepy. You get the foreboding feeling of doom. “Uh oh, shit’s going down!”

“Patriot.” It’s the new license to wage horrid crimes, like Reverend.

This is where we are. What was once sci-fi isn’t sci-fi anymore. It’s here. It’s quite real with The Alchemist.

When it turns out Meera is the mole, that was shocking.

I like the song at the end of episode 13. It’s catchy. It’s called Sundown by Gordon Lightfoot.

Supposedly the gay servant monologue was improved by James Spader in episode 14. Hehehehe.

Problem is a POI by DHS isn’t true a lot of the time, it turns out.

“Physically coerce.” Like he said,” You feds are too much.” Also: that doesn’t make frying Rifkin, Conolly, or Cooper right.

When Red confronts Richard, it’s like Richard saw a ghost.

The interaction between Red and Cooper smells. It’s like he’s alluding to it in a passive aggressive way of,” Pull a few strings. Remember how I saved your life here. I know what you’re capable of.” And we as the viewers only had a spoonful of it right here (I’m eating chili as I write this, funnily enough).

Dude, in episode 16, it’s so sad when Ressler’s fiancé gets killed. Fucking Mako’s head stunned the hell out of me when I first saw this episode.

I like that The Pavlovich Brothers are a tie in to the first episode. It fits a rather large puzzle.

Dude, the first appearance of The Cabal. Hollyyyy shit.

“I have no idea in the Sam Hill you are.” Ahahahah!

At the end of everything, a lot of promise, a lot of great ingredients, keep it cracking! I would say, out of $22.00 USD, I'd give it $20.00 USD.

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