The Absence of Leadership


DeSantis and Pence are like two brands of cheese by Unilever Proctor Gamble. Ramaswamy is like Google/Alphabet's genetically engineered android, trained to make the proper noises and guaranteed to poll at over "80% with Trump voters" in computer simulations. Haley is like the many ambitious green-vested bills slipped by in Congress, passed hastily with NaN dollar budgets. Her eyes are like tunnels and silos.

What is The Absence of Leadership?

The absence of leadership is this, the ruined cities and complete desolation of the sound of authority. The authority of nations, rulers, journalists and yes, even the rag society ladies of Youtube and Tik Tok, the Elon Musks and Joe Rogans of faux humanity.

-- Trump and Biden, Macron, Trudeau and others have eradicated authority of leaders from the face of the earth with eye-watering results. The onslaught of polluted journalistic values of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, THE AP, REUTERS, THE GUARDIAN, DM and others have further rusted whatever corroded, melted, oozing vile substance was left of the powers and heights of power in the entire earth.

So, don't be shaken with astonishment that your leaders are snapped twigs in a burning furnace; the people don't care anymore, apathy and bitterness hath filled the seas, the seas are boiling full of outrage. A single squeak from Mickey Mouse is likely now to get the snap of a bronze cobra, let alone the concerts and red carpet ceremonies. Wailing fills the houses of celebration of the wicked.

"At the last trump..."

"Surely, the Second Coming is at hand"

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