That C*nt Named Sistency

What is wrong with me?
Why am I unable to be consistently consistent?
More often than not, I feel the only thing I am consistent at is being INconsistent.20170830_225029.jpg
Ignorance is bliss
When I didn't know why I was doing the things I was doing, or saying the things I was saying, or reacting in a clearly specific way in certain situations, I was none the wiser. And now that I am more self aware and strive to become even more self aware, I see where I go wrong. Sometimes I even see my self doing it, or saying it, or completely blowing everything out of the water like a battleship. The struggle then becomes owning my shit and taking responsibility for changing MY behavior!

I struggle with that overbearing bitch Consistency, on a daily basis.
A perk of being a health coach with the leading company of it's kind, is the personal development training and support that comes along with the decision to change.

When your body drastically changes on the outside, the inside must then adapt and the best results from support and accountability. So after my physical transformation, my mindset needed some rearranging. It can also be extremely difficult to deal with an unsupportive spouse!
So knowing I needed something, my coach enrolled me in my first Real self development training. A 60 day program called Healthy Mind and Body that proved to competely turn my perspectives upside downdownload (1).jpg

I have taken Healthy Mind and Body 4 times, growing more each time. I have also attended Several leadership trainings and team building events. So I have hours of knowledge on the mind and body.

Yet Ms Consistency still aludes me.
I am gung ho for a week. A few weeks. A month. Maybe even a few months. Then I punk out. And I see myself slding back into old patterns and behaviors.
Before I knew better, I wouldn't have even realized it. And now bc I do, the struggle then becomes the negative self talk and putting myself down for not reaching my goal of consistency.

For Example:
I have been intentional the last few weeks with this platform and my Steemit has taken off. I have been very consistent and have seen Awesome results. I have friended some very talented Steemians and forged some close bonds with others.
Then, for the last 2 days I just haven't felt like posting. I totally struggled with what to post today!

Ultimate growth is when you do something when you don't want to.
Ergh sometimes I just don't want to.

Big girl undies On!

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