If you didn't know..

If you didn't know, I am a very spiritual person. I believe in God and I believe that Jesus Is My Savior. I didn't always believe that way and as time has gone by, I have clearly seen the hand of God at work in my life. Therefore, I believe that Jesus came and died and was risen in order to save us from our sins and give us Grace whether we deserve it or not!
In the midst of the storm and shadows, I remain positive and my eyes fixed on the One.

I have had many hardships and my recent situation has been no different. Just as things started falling into place my car broke down and I feel like this is the devil just trying to throw a wrench in God's plan for my life. The Devil is a deceiver, he's a liar, he's a con man, and he is not your friend.images.jpg

But, My God is greater. On 9 a.m. on a Saturday morning I found a mechanic shop that was not only open, but helped me get a cheap tow truck to their shop. The houses where my car was sitting called me to see if I was okay and everything was handled before noon on a Saturday when my car died at 4 p.m. Friday night.

The Devil will not overcome me. I belive I am being watched over and as long as I do my part (meaning doing whatever it is I do to the best of my ability in order to honor God) and God will do His part. It is a relationship with Him! It is what I GET to do.. I tithed Saturday morning when I woke up and since then I have had no issues finding rides or help. Jesus' angles are out in droves!

The Devil will not overcome me!
My God is greater!3BUoRu.jpg

This is how I stay so positive:images (1).jpg
I know that my life is a gift from God exactly how it is right now. and I am me and he loves me and there's nothing that I can do to change that and as long as I fix my eyes on He will show me the way, the truth, and the life.

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