Wise Kitty elder, Loving benevolent soul, Mystical shaman - Haiku - Asking for prayers and healing thoughts for our lovely boy

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This is my fourth haiku post in four days, so my renewed 30-day haiku challenge is off to a good start.

This lovely cat is my sweet and loving Bear boy, who occasionally seems only marginally aware that he is a cat, as when he was a kitten, I taught him to walk on leash with a harness, to ride in the car, and to LOVE meeting people, as the two adult cats we had at the time hid under the bed when anyone came over to the house.

Bear turned sixteen last November, so he's slowed down a tad from his goofier days, but he still plays with the other cats, still jumps up on the kitchen table and the bathroom counter, and generally exhibits other typical cat behavior as he chooses.

Not surprisingly at this point he tends to stay closer to home, which suits me fine, and when he does go outside, he tends to stay up on our wooden porch, rather than venturing out beyond the house.

Although I do shut him out of the computer room when I am writing, by necessity, as otherwise I'd be attempting to type through a tangle of kitty legs and fur, as his preferred resting place when I'm writing is smack in the middle of the keyboard of my laptop. Naturally.

We had a health scare with him about a year and a half ago, where he had dropped weight precipitously, but after treatment and lots of loving and attention, he regained his weight and energy, and seemed to be quite happy and content.

In recent weeks, however, he has lost weight again, so on my vet's advice I am giving him more high fat treats, and making doubly certain that he stays well hydrated.

A couple of days ago, I picked up some organic grass fed beef, grass fed lamb, and organic chicken thighs, so I'll be adding a bit of my spice mixture that I use to make spiced honey, along with some black seed, chia seeds, moringa, diatomaceous earth, grassfed butter and ghee, in order to bolster his immune system, and hopefully spark his appetite to eat a bit more than he has been of late.

His fur is in good shape, his energy levels seem normal, and he still doesn't look his age, but I am concerned, and am giving him extra attention and treats, which he only rarely turns down.

But for those willing, I would greatly appreciate if you would send him prayers and healing energy, as he has been my lovely familiar for sixteen years and counting, helped me get through my divorce, and helps and supports me still in more ways than I can count.

His current favorite sleeping place is on the very top of our kitty tree, so he is still quite agile, and has no mobility issues.

And he loves hanging out with our other two cats, as they each have their own cat bed between the kitchen and dining room, which are about three or four feet from the kitty tree, and directly in front of the heater.

Many is the time when I walk through the house, to find all three cats happily curled up and napping in their beds, often with Lolo stretched out close at hand.

Or should that be close at paw?

In any case, I know that I am extremely blessed to have my lovely boy, and hope to keep him healthy and happy for some time to come, for as long as I can provide him with a good quality of life.

Interestingly, Marek started calling Bear our shaman not long after we started dating, because he is a wise old soul, and frankly he was a wise old soul even when I first adopted him as a kitten.

Today is Marek's name day, which traditionally is the feast day of the saint after whom you were named, which in Poland is celebrated more than your actual birthday.

And as today was also my grandfather's birthday, that date has always resonated with me, as I have no doubt that Fyfe and Marek would have become fast friends, and likely would have had a blast discussing everything under the sun, as I've often done with them both.

Tomorrow was my grandmother's birthday, so my grandparents celebrated their birthdays a day apart, and they certainly had a lot in common, as they adored one another, and only rarely had even minor disagreements.

Theirs was the earliest example I remember of a married couple actually making their marriage work.

In the meantime, our riding mower is on the fritz again, so I need to call around tomorrow and find a starter for it, and then hope and pray that that actually fixes the problem.

I saw my first fireflies of the season a few nights ago, and a day or two later pulled the first ticks of the season off of myself, so with our grass getting taller by the day, I really need to get out tomorrow and at least mow around the house with our self-propelled Husqvarna.

I also need to finally get the hummingbird nectar feeders hung outside . . . I've usually got them out by early April, but I've had so many things going on that I simply haven't done it yet.

I'll also continue putting out suet blocks for a while, as we have so many migratory birds that travel along our river, and if I can provide them with a little extra energy for their travels, so much the better.

Life is wonderful, and is getting better, better, and better!

Take care, everyone, and I love you all.

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