Cut Throat Competition or Collaboration? (You Decide)

Ahoy Steemians! Do you feel geared for battle when you enter the platform or geared up for networking and collaborative efforts?

It can surely be a mixture of both but some recent chats got me to thinking that to constantly feel everyone is your nemesis can be rather toxic. Of course there are predators and people who suck but isn't that the same in "real life" as well?


I used to look at other posts that I felt were being ignored and undervalued or overvalued and "gamed". You will drive yourself nuts trying to establish what you feel is personally fair on here when it is intrinsically an unfair system like everything else in life. We are the ones who steer our ways through the waters and it is up to us to work and network to brand ourselves something anyone even wants to read... much less upvote or comment on.

There is freedom in letting go of always trying to balance the scales of justice in a rather unjust world. Those who choose to be nefarious will eventually meet karma and those who do good and stay the course tend to not only survive but THRIVE.

I actively choose to network and create win/win scenarios on here versus feeling as though this should be a dog eat dog platform where everyone is actively sabotaging each other for a buck. Rise Above and do your thing and the experience is much more pleasant then one of being in a state of paranoia and warring. I got into a couple of "fights" yesterday and ended both on a positive note of burying the hatchet and building a bridge versus blowing it up.

(gyfycat, me, myself and I, building bridges over troubled waters)

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