Things are changing...

Seeing this eclipse -which was so amazing yet so strangely BEAUTIFUL (after waking up to the system(s), to the matrix and all the lies/deception ) has brought a whole new meaning to my soul on every level. This is the making of a new time. A new beginning. God, the One who created YOU, created you and every thing else you see. Man corrupted God's BEAUTIFUL system. There is a war taking place for your soul. The signs are in the so many forms too. Look up Critical minds* This is beautiful* This marks the the beginning of a new era * Know the truth* Ignorance is bliss but truth takes strength* Still researching and will never want to stop going down the rabbit hole* Irony-so much irony* NASA lies to hide our Creator* Stay humble because we are entering a new time* (For those who thinks it's paranoia or fear driving me, buzz off.) I'll bang pot and pans to make noise as to what the truth is because the same ones who attack me, are as asleep and ignorant as it gets. I have nothing but love but for the love of God.. . use your brains and learn words you regurgitate. Be wise, be kind and become aware. God just showed us yet another sign. What does it mean to you? That's rhetorical question- ask your soul. GO DEEP. Shallow is laughable... sad too, but entertaining at the least. These were my random thoughts for the day. God bless and I love you. (Even if I don't really like you ha, I do have deep love for all.) Tell me we don't have a Creator... blah blah blah 😜


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