Interesting New Tags!



Tags you say? You know, those little words down there at the bottom of your post that help classify what you are writing. They are very useful to find specific types of content. We even have our own tag that @enginewitty created, #thealliance. That particular one is very useful for members of the family that want their posts seen by fellow family mambers, @thealliance, @a11y or @syndicates. Since popularity has grown and its value has increased significantly, all kinds of random people are using it whether in hopes to get noticed by us or just because they like the tag. Two new ones have popped out from some alliance members this past week. Read on.


This unique tag was created by Captain @saffisara of #thealliance. She helps run the Alpha Syndicate with @topkpop. So far, it's been a really fun tag to play with. Many people are jumping on board and showing off their hat or collections thereof. It would seem that every day is #haturday here on Steemit! Here's a list of some the most recent #haturday participants:

@enginewitty- #haturday Chillin'

@edthecanadian - Haturday Monday

@dadview - Happy Haturday

@tattoodjay - Haturday

@goldenarms - Double Duty

@mariannewest - Australian Leather

@thekitchenfairy - Safety First

@saffisara - Haturday!


This new refreshing tag came about in the past few days. It popped up in a discussion between @enginewitty and his good friend @tattoodjay. This long time member of #thealliance helps @edthecanadian run the Gamma Syndicate. He was complimenting JJ on his pictures of bridges and jokingly tossed the notion that he should totally make a tag out of it and viola! Here it is. The reason I like this tag so much is because of the things it implies like; crossing the bridges of Steemit, building bridges together and of course, seeing the world's architecture 'bridge by bridge'. So, as we bridge the gap in humanity and come together, I look forward to seeing many great ones from this tag. Here is the very first written just hours ago:


New Tags?

So I just have to ask, do you know of any interesting new tags out there? Please share them in the comments below, I would love to see what is on people's minds. Who knows, maybe you've got the next hottest tag out there? You'll never know for sure unless you give it a try :)

#thealliance @a11y full pagebreak.png

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