Admiration & Appreciation II


Because I Do

Admire and appreciate each and all of you. There was a curation section in the old 'Notes' issues highlighting some allies called the 'Lost & Found'. I think this is still something we need. This is a big frign place and it's only going to get bigger so we have to keep track of and take care of our own. That's what families do. So in these issues, that have no specific time frames at the moment, I'm going to mention some of your allies that I feel are undervalued and not appreciated as they should be.

#thealliance @a11y a&a.png


If you are looking for some good philosophical discussions, you should hop on over here! Or, better yet, if you just need a break and are looking for some light-hearted banter to make you smile, you can find that here too. Ann has a kind spirit and gentle soul. I admire that she has been an ally and family member of ours for quite awhile. I know you see her out here commenting and supporting everyone so I think she deserves to be returned the favor and I really appreciate the support on both sides. She has been on Steemit closing in on a year, so deserves a little respect. I thank you for your constant support Ann.
Stop Buying Stuff You Don't NeedDone Is Better Than Perfect


He's been with us for a while as well ladies and lads. A little more impersonal in his posts, which may be why he doesn't get as much interaction. But, really admire the ones on cryptocurrencies as they are very well put together. Please don't overlook this guy's knowledge. He also has a love for contests and lately, has been entering in several logo contests. I appreciate that he's been real supportive of the family and think he should get that love returned so - stop in say hello and get to know him a bit :)
Japanese Crackdown on ExchangesCrypto-World Logo Contest


Who loves great photography? Who doesn't, right? Now, who likes a thousand words attached to it? He has a wonderful knack to express the thousand words each of his pictures are worth. Not many people can do that and so, I admire that. Fairly newer to the family, I find that I am appreciating the genuine comments that come from them. I think all of you would enjoy his posts so hop on over and spread some love :)
Cat Love (A Caturday Story)My Daughter's Beta

Know That

You can expect to see more of these in the future. I ask that you reserve your votes for them and refrain from voting on this post. This is just to make you aware and nudge you to reach out to them. We are a family and, well, you know:


With High Regards:

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