In the book of Tadzkiratul Auliya, Shaykh Fariduddin 'Aththar explained that Sheikh Abul Qasim Al-Junayd ibn Muhammad al-Zujaj (Junayd al-Baghdadi) was the son of a glassware merchant from Nahawand and Sarri as-Saqathi's niece, also close to Al-Muhasibi. He was born and raised in Iraq.

Abul Qasim Al-Junayd was the most distinguished figure of the School of Tasawuf, and later he received the title of Sayyidush Shufiyah (Prince of the Sufis).
He elaborates a theosophical doctrine that sets the whole set of orthodox sufism exercises in Islam.

He describes his theories in his teachings, as well as in a series of letters that still exist today, addressed to a number of prominent figures of his time.
Abul Qasim Al-Junayd was the leader of a large and influential school of thought. He is also known as a mufti in the school of Abu Tsaur, the disciple of Imam Shafi'i.
Al-Junayd died in Baghdad on Saturday 297H / 910M.

Childhood Junayd al-Baghdadi
Since childhood, Junayd has had a spiritual depth, has become a sincere, disciplined, wise, understanding seeker and has a keen sense of the heart.
One day, he came home from school. He found his father weeping.
"Daddy, what happened?" Junayd asked.
"Father wants to give alms to your uncle Sarri," the father said. "But he will not accept it. Father wept because my father had poured out his whole father's life to be able to set aside these five dirhams, but this money did not qualify to be accepted by one of God's friends. "
"Give me the money and I'll give it to Uncle Sarri. That way, he may want to accept it, "Junayd said.

The father gave the money to him, and Junayd left. Arriving at his uncle's house, Junayd knocked on the door.
"Who's that?" Came a voice from inside the house.
"Junayd," the boy replied. "Open the door and accept this alms offer.
"I do not accept it," Sarri cried.
"Please, accept this, for the sake of Allah Who has been so generous to you and has been fair to my father," shouted Junayd.
"Junayd, what do you mean God is so generous to me and so fair to your father?" Sarri asked.
Junayd answered, "God is so generous to you because He grants you poverty. As for my father, God has been so fair with occupying him with worldly affairs. You have the freedom to accept or reject your heart. Whereas my father, like it or not, should deliver the alms God entrusted to him to the righteous. "
Junayd's reply pleases Sarri. "My son, before I receive this charity, I have received you first," Sarri said.
After saying sarir, Sarri opened the door and received the alms. He placed Junayd in a special place in his heart.

Junayd was only seven when Sarri took him for a pilgrimage. At the Grand Mosque, the problem of gratitude is being discussed by four hundred Sheikhs. Each Shaykh expressed his views.
"Tell us what you think," Sarri told Junayd.
Junayd said, "Gratitude means that you are not in favor of God by using the gifts He has bestowed upon you, nor does He make His gift as a source of disobedience to Him.

"Very good, really solace for true believers," shouted the shaykhs.

The four hundred shaykhs agreed that there was no better definition of gratitude than what Junayd had said.

"My son," Sarri said, "the hour is coming, your tongue becomes a special gift from God for you."

Junayd cried when

his uncle said so.

"Where did you learn?" Sarri asked.

"From sitting with you," Junayd replied.

Junayd then returned to Baghdad and became a seller of glassware. Every day he goes to his shop, closes the curtain, and sets up four hundred prayers.
After a while, he will leave his shop and go to a room in the porch of Sarri's house. There he busied himself with guarding the heart. He spreads the "wara mat", so that nothing comes to mind except God.

Junayd Shows Evidence
For forty years, Junayd was busy with Sufi practice. For thirty years he established the evening prayer, then stood up and repeated the 'Allah' lafadz until dawn, then he established the morning prayer with the wudlu he did the night before.

He said, "After forty years passed, pride entered me; I felt I had achieved my goal. Suddenly a voice heard from the sky spoke to me, "Junayd, it's time for Me to show you a corset bond for you."
When I heard these words, I exclaimed, "God, what sin has Junayd done?"

The voice replied, "Why did you ask that? Do you want to find a sadder sin than what you do? "Junayd took a deep breath and lowered his head.

He whispered, "He, who is not worthy enough for union, all his good deeds is sin."
He, continuing to sit in his room shouting "God ... God ..." all night long.
The slander's long tongues attacked him and his behavior was reported to the Caliph.
"He can not be punished without evidence," said the Caliph.
They (The slanderers state, "Many people are tempted by his words."
The Caliph had a female slave whose beauty was second to none. The Caliph loved him so much, he bought her slave for three thousand dinars. The Caliph ordered

in order for her slave to be dressed in good clothes and expensive jewels.
The Caliph instructed the slave woman, "Go somewhere. Stand near Junayd and show your face. Let him see your jewelry and your clothes. Tell him, 'I have abundant possessions but my heart is tired of worldly affairs. I came here to ask you to propose, so that with your guidance I can dedicate myself to worship Him. My heart finds no calm except in you. 'Show yourself to her. Show me your beauty, and do your best to persuade her. "
The female slave went to meet Junayd accompanied by a servant. He then approached and carried out what had been instructed to him. Unintentionally, Junayd looked at the slave woman. Junayd remained silent and did not reply. The female slave repeats the story. Junayd lowered his head, then he looked up.
"Ah," she cried as she breathed toward the slave woman. Instantly the slave woman fell to the ground and died.

The waiter who accompanied him went back to the Caliph and reported what had happened. The Caliph's soul burned and he repented for what he had done.
The Caliph said, "He, who treats others not as it should be, sees what he should not see."

The Caliph then got up and ordered his maid to call Junayd. "It's someone who can not be called to face," he commented.
The Caliph asked, "O Shaykh, how can you bear to kill someone so beautiful?"
Junayd replied, "O Amir al-mu'minin, your affection for the believers is so great that you want to meleyapkan forty years of my discipline that I fill with wara 'and self denial. Who am I? Do not do what you dislike for yourself! "

After that event, Junayd's affairs went well. Fame spread all over the world. No matter how often he was tortured, his reputation increased a thousandfold.
He began to preach. One time he explained, "I did not preach publicly until thirty great guardians told me that I had deserved to call men to God."
He said, "For forty years I sat guarding my heart. Then for ten years my heart looked after me. It has now been twenty years that I know nothing about my heart and my heart knows nothing about me. "
He continued, "For thirty years, God spoke to Junayd with Junayd's tongue, Junayd was not there at all, but humans did not know it."

Junayd Preaching
When Junaid's tongue has been adept at expressing amazing words, Sarri as-Saqathi tells him that it is mandatory, for him to preach publicly.
At first Junaid hesitated, did not want to do that. "When there is a teacher, it is inappropriate for the disciple to preach," Junaid expressed his objection.
Until one night, Junayd met the Prophet. In his dream. "Preach," said the Prophet.

The next morning one night Junaid got up and went to meet Sarri to tell her dream. However, when he was about to leave, he found Sarri standing in front of the door.
Sarri said, "Until now, you are still hesitant, waiting for others to ask you to preach. Now you have to speak (preach publicly), because your words have been used as a vehicle for the salvation of the whole world. "

You do not want to talk when the students talk you into speaking. You will not talk when the Sheikh of Baghdad asks you to speak. You also do not want to talk even though I have urged you to speak. Now, the Prophet Saw. Have commanded you to speak, then you must speak. "
"O Allah, forgive me," Junaid said. "Uncle, how do you know if I met the Prophet in my dreams?"

Sarri explained, "I met God in my dream. He said, 'I have sent My Apostle to ask Junayd to preach in the pulpit'. "
"Then I will preach," Junaid said later. "But on one condition, there were no more than forty people present."

One day, Junayd preached in front of forty people. Eighteen of them died and twenty-two others fell unconscious. They were then picked up and taken home to their homes.
On the other day, Junayd preaches. Among the attendees there was a Christian youth, but no one knew that the young man was a Christian.

The young man approached Junayd and said, "The Prophet said, 'be careful of the knowledge of the believer, can he see with the light of God'."
Junayd replied, "The truth is you have to become a Muslim and cut off your Christian corset, this kanena is a special event for Muslims."
Instantly the young man became a Muslim.

After Junayd preached several times, the public voiced his opposition. Akhinnya Junayd also stop preaching and then returned to his room. He was urged to continue preaching but he refused.

"That's enough," he said. "I can not cultivate my own destruction."
Sometime later, Junayd climbed into the pulpit and began preaching without notice.

"What wisdom is in what you are doing?" He asked.
Junayd replied, "I found a hadith where the Prophet Saw. said, 'At the end of the age, the spokesman of a society is the worst of them. He will tell them, I know that I am the worst among you. I preached because of what the Prophet Saw has said. That way, I'm not against his words. "

Al-Jurairy preached, "I have just returned home and Mecca, and the first thing I did was to visit al-Junayd so as not to dream about me. I Ialu greeted him and went home. The next day when I prayed at dawn in the mosque, I saw him standing on the shaf behind me. I said, 'I came to you yesterday just so you did not expect me to hope.' He replied, 'That is your virtue. And that's your right. "

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