The "Others"

Here I speak mainly of a larger sector of the population who naturally lack spirit, who always have throughout history, and who by virtue of their predatory and worldly natures have gravitated toward the top of the social, economic, and political hierarchies and made the world antagonistic toward spiritual impulses.


As you can see, this idea that some people lack spirit explains much about the robotic, animalistic, predatory side of humanity. So many of us are under the false assumption that we are all the same inside, that if we walked in another’s shoes we would fully understand their motivations. But not all inhuman acts trace back to mere environmental variables. There are cases where, even if we put ourselves in their place, we would not act the same. That is because the cause of their motivations is not environmental, but metaphysical: the absence of spirit, and the supreme reign of ego.

Those who ignore the possibility of spiritless people will continue to shake their heads in frustration at behaviors they simply cannot compute and must either ignore or rationalize away. When dealing with a spiritless psychopath, for instance, such individuals are easily deceived and manipulated.

Only after getting burned again and again do they realize some humans are a different kind of animal, that some humans are not remediable because they are acting fully and healthily in accordance with their spiritless predatory nature. This is especially true of the psychopathic elite who run this prison planet; they cannot be rehabilitated, made to see the error of their ways, or convinced through appeals to empathy.

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