The particular flights because they're worried about it they haven't demonstrated that

Sapphire, as it orbits the Sun when you look at a meteor shower the meteors are shooting stars appear to emanate from a single point in the sky the radiant they radiate away from there but really the little bits of ice and rock that make are traveling in a bundle along is centrally parallel pass through space they're not diverging from a single point they only appear to be spreading apart because of the perspective existence and they seem to come from a vanishing point you can see the exact same thing in this hallway the walls are parallel to one another the ceiling is parallel to the floor the lines of intersection between the floor and the wall and the ceiling in the wall the one another but they all appear to converge are down the hallway there they come from a vanishing point because of that perspective and if you go back to the meteors in a similar way the particles are parallel to one another but only appear to diverge from the radiant because of perspective after the constellations from where they appeared even though they have nothing to do. The Leonid meteor showers for the constellation Leo

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