The Kissing Booth 3 - movie review


The Kissing Booth 3 is the finale of Netflix's next romantic comedy trilogy. Unfortunately, this is one of the worst productions of this platform.


The Kissing Booth 3 is the last installment of the series. The filmmakers who shot the movie simultaneously with Part Two succeeded in doing something unbelievable: they created not only the worst version of this romantic comedy, but also one of the worst movies ever made by or for Netflix. Genre clichés, stupid scenarios, toxic behavior - all these fill this film and leave no illusions that it is difficult to find even mindless entertainment in it. This story does not totally work as a romantic comedy because it is neither funny nor does it show any believable feeling.

The couple's dialogues are rather mundane, and their quarrels resemble clashes between five-year-olds in a sandbox, not adults. The decision to break up is one of the most irrational, badly motivated things you'll see in 2021. They love each other, but he doesn't want her to make a decision that he will regret. Oh, the whole reason - no dialogue, no understanding, no other way out and no compromises. To take the easy way (of a man, because in this case he is the initiator) because it gets difficult. We are supposed to watch adult people, but the creators do not care about showing them from this perspective. And the whole thing about Elle's toxic and disturbingly disturbing friendship with Lee is so stupid it's ridiculous. The girl wants to go to college with her love, so a friend should support her. And this one stamps his foot, has a grudge, and fumbles because she did not choose to study with him. The whole "break-up" with both men is supposed to show maturing and looking for oneself without another person. Good idea, empty and boring execution. Maybe if the story were based on it, it would make more sense, because pressing it for a few minutes at the end is counterproductive.

The Kissing Booth 3 is a typical summer evening movie. Color production, full of pretty people only, with beautiful weather in the background. When problems arise, the spell is broken and the creators show off inconsistency, lack of ideas and performance at a level that the creators of the weakest episodes of Fashion would be ashamed of for success. So we see, let's face it, stupid young people with no problems in life who must earnestly find one for themselves. This does not translate into pleasant entertainment, because too many things are badly written and even worse played here (the actor playing Noah for three films was not able to create the character of this character, and his role was narrowed down to walking without a shirt and angry glares) on a rival imagined in his head). We can guess that the cast had a phenomenal time on the set, because you can feel it. However, it could not be turned into created entertainment. Here, we would need a director and screenwriter who understands how to tell a story using genre tools, and not mark out patterns and irritate the characters with extremely stupid behavior and decisions. Some scenes cause surprise or even shock. I wondered what the author meant.

The entire series of The Kissing Booth is ridiculously bad romantic comedies. The first part was still correct, albeit with a lot of flaws. Oddly enough, in the finale that took place years later, the creators thought that it would be appropriate to refer to the title booth at the end. The hands drop. It's awfully forced. After all, the only thing that remains is the feeling that Joey King in the lead role was the only one who tried to get anything out of the material. You can see that she left her heart on the set. Only in the end it is neither funny nor exciting, but more stupid, ridiculous and not entertaining even at the correct level. The whole thing is based on toxic relationships that do not guarantee the development of the heroes. Waste of time.


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