
Adaeze rolled in bed continuously, purely irritated by
her snoring husband. She slapped him not so slightly
on his back so he would adjust but instead he turned
and continued snoring. Adaeze shook her head, she’s
had enough. She stood up, picked her phone and a
novel and headed for the living room.
The night was cool and calm. It was 1:37am and not
knowing what else to do, she turned on her the
television. She flipped through channels and went to sit
when she finally found one that quite interested her.
Just as she took her seat, her phone rang. Who could
be calling at this ungodly hour she thought as she
picked up her phone. The name of the caller brought
excitement to Adaeze, which of course she wasn’t sure
should be the case, as she stared at her phone. she
contemplated on whether or not to pick the call, and
the call rang out before she could come to a
She was disappointed and hoped earnestly that Michael
would return the call. And he didn’t disappoint her as
the phone rang the second time.
“hey beautiful!”
“hi Michael”
“I’m sorry if I woke you up” he said, “but after seeing
you today, I lost my sleep, I’ve been thinking about you.
So I wondered if the one who made me that way will
be available to talk to me”
Adaeze blushed intensely, she wanted to reply that she
felt the same way but cautioned herself and said
“do you realize you are speaking with a married
“well, I do. But what do I do when I’m hopelessly in
love with this same married woman”
He intentionally stressed the married.
“now that you have spoken with her, I guess you could
go to sleep”
“well, maybe if you promise me we would see again
“Michael I’m not sure…”
“you know I don’t take no for an answer”
“okay then, tomorrow it is”
“Ada I miss you”
Adaeze sighed deeply she missed him too, but didn’t
say that
“sleep well, Mike”
She said and hung up.
Adaeze fell into the sofa and began to think about
Michael. Michael was somebody she has love history
with and had lost contact with once she got married to
Tobechukwu but she met him yesterday on her way
from work at a fuel station where she stopped to fill
her car tank. She knew it was a wrong thing to do but
she help thinking about Michael.
Later in the morning
Tobe came into the living room and found his wife
asleep on the sofa. He scratched his head, he probably
had been snoring again. He crouched beside her and
kissed her on the head before tapping her gently.
“hey love, wake up”
Adaeze stretched in the sofa. She stood up abruptly
and gave Tobe a called stare, he smiled at her as he
tried to kiss her on the lips. She avoided him and the
kiss landed on her cheek instead.
“Good morning baby” Tobe said
“Good morning Tobe” she said as she headed for the
What’s wrong with her Tobe thought as he followed her
into the bedroom.
He wrapped his hands around her from behind and
whispered silently into her ears,
“did I do something wrong?”
“Tobe can I have my space please?” she yanked his
hands off her body and headed straight for the
There is nothing more confusing than being clueless
Tobe said to himself. Angry wife, clueless husband he
shrugged as he headed for the bathroom in the guest
Adaeze works as a broker in a real estate firm and her
job pays her real good. Aside the fact that she was
naturally intelligent she also had this charm with which
she does her Job that makes her indispensable to her
employer. Adaeze is 5ft 7”, fair smooth skin that is
glossy, a little bit chubby with a well pointed nose that
seemed to suit her face perfectly, her golden brown
eyes was her distinctive feature. With curves in the
right place she turned head easily.
Adaeze had busied herself with work all day that she
didn’t realize it was noon already. A growl in her
stomach made her realise she was hungry. She
reached out for her purse. As she was about heading
out, there was a slight tap on the door.
“Come in” she said thinking it was her secretary. Upon
lifting up her eyes, she saw the person she was least
expecting, maybe not literally or maybe not there and
“Mike? What are you doing here?” she remembered she
had given him her card when they met the day before.
He ignored her question as he looked around the office
“nice place you’ve got here!”
“you still haven’t answered my question”
“you promised we were going to meet today
“yes, but I thought we were going to meet later, like I
was going to call you and..?”
“well I guess I still haven’t learnt to be patient. So I
think you should be having your lunch break by now, so
can we go find ourselves a good place to eat and
catch up on what we might have missed”
“well”, Adaeze said standing up. “I only know about
eating, not sure about catching up though” she said
chuckling as he walked her out.

Two months later
Adaeze pondered on the events of the past month as
she drove home from work. She had been spending a
lot of time with Michael lately and have been enjoying
every bit of it. Michael had been her university
sweetheart the only one she had dreamed of spending
the rest of her life with. Somewhere along the line, his
parents had interfered insisting he cannot get married
to an Igbo girl. Michael is Yoruba. Her broken self, had
found Tobechukwu and they’ve gotten married two
years after they met. She had fallen in love with him
but now that Michael has reappeared she was
beginning to reconsider. Tobe is such a good guy and
with such a charms that one can’t resist. Michael was
divorced now and free again. This time no parent was
going to interfere with them. But Tobe… Tobe is such a
perfect man if there’s anything like that. But her heart
didn’t beat for Tobe as it did for Michael. Her parents
would not permit a divorce. Recently, her marriage
have been having some issues and she’s been finding
herself questioning her marriage to Tobe. Now that
Michael has arrived he seemed to take away all doubt.
She wanted out of the marriage than anything else.
She stared at the divorce papers on the passenger’s
seat with so much joy as she drove into their house.
She entered to see Tobe in the living room. Now that
she was looking at him in the eyes, she lost all the
nerve she had gathered earlier on to come and present
the divorce papers to him. She hadn’t expected to
meet him at home. The cute faced, handsome Tobe
was looking pale and worn out. The past two months
has been war for them both, they’ve been distant or
better said she had distanced herself from him. She
got in and headed straight for the bedroom.
On a second thought, she turned back
“Tobe, I have something for you”
His eyes turned to her, hoping that his loving Ada has
come back to her senses.
“Here” she passed the divorce papers to him
“What’s this?” he asked as he flipped through the
“I believe you went to school Tobe, Well let me help
you, those are divorce papers and I need you to sign
Tobe stared at Ada deep in the face, “Are you out of
your mind?”
“What did that Michael guy ever do to you”
“Ada please come back to your senses and be the lady
I married!”
Ada bit her lips. “Tobe I hope you’ll understand, you’re
a good person but I just don’t love you the way I love
Michael, he’s my soul mate”.
“Ada what’s your definition of love?”
She stood speechless for a while
“Tobe, I’m not answering that question. I’ve finalised
my decision”
“Well, I’ll sign those papers on one condition”
Ada’s face lifted with hope “what would that be?”
Tobe moved close to her and said
“I married you with a ceremony then you’ll have to
unmarry me the same way!”
“Are you out of your mind?”
“Well, I’m totally sane”
“Pick a date, I’ll be waiting for you here” he brushed
her a kiss on the cheek, picked up his car key and left
the house.
Tobe drove out of the house with uncertainty as to
where he was going. He decided there was no other
persons house suitable for him to go to than that of
Kelechi, his childhood friend. He called KC to verify if
he was home before heading to his house.
“Tobe how is Ada?” was the first question Kelechi
asked upon sighting him.
“Very well. Can I at least get in first before the
“I’m sorry come in” he opened the door wider to allow
him in.
Kelechi who is still a bachelor lives alone on the island
in a two room bedroom flat. He was the only unmarried
on amongst their friends. Tobe tried to fight the feeling
of wishing he was Kelechi at the moment, unmarried!
“You look worn out” Kelechi said offering Tobe a drink
“So what’s up?”
“Adaeze is wants a divorce!”
Kelechi stared at him jaw dropping before letting out a
laugh… “you don’t mean it do you?”
“Must everything be a joke to you. I’m losing or maybe
I have lost already my wife to some goddamn Micheal
Kelechi adjusted his sitting position
“How long has this been going on?”
“Two months!”
“I’m so angry with myself right now to think that in all
of these I don’t hate her. “
“So what are you going to do?”
“I don’t know; I think I’ll let her have her way. Won’t
hold on to somebody who doesn’t want me. I’ll let her
go and leave the rest of my life a broken man oh! My
gosh I’m so pissed right now.”
“Do you have any strong drink here guy”
“See who is asking” Kelechi smirked, “Of course I do,
but I don’t think I want to offer it to someone who
doesn’t know what he is doing at the moment”
“See Tobe, just calm down. Even though I find this hard
to believe, I’ll talk to her”.
“Have you called her parents?”
“Nope, not yet. It’s about her, not them. They might be
able to influence her decision and I don’t want that. I
want her to reconsider herself”.
Kelechi just stared at his friend not sure if he should
feel pity for him or should be glad for himself that he
was not in that shoes. Maybe he would never be.
Marriage is not his thing. Just get a girl who is willing
to be a baby mama and have a child or children. To
him, marriage is and will always be a bad thing.
The next day, Tobe went to work from Kelechi’s house
and drove back into his house late at night.
“Hi” Adaeze said to him
“Hi” Tobe replied
“I have been thinking about your proposal and I don’t
think we have to go through that””
“Well, I’ve been thinking too, and I don’t think I want to
go through that. You know what? You want to leave,
just go. God bless your marriage!”
Adaeze was a little bit disappointed,
“You’re not going to fight for me?”
“Really?” Tobe said, “what’s there to fight for?”
“Adaeze I think you are the cutest thing that has ever
happened to me and even though I’m not Jesus no
matter what you do, I won’t stop loving you”
Adaeze looked at him with tears in her eyes. “I don’t
think I know what I’m doing anymore. Please tell me
not to go and maybe I’ll come back to my senses.
Maybe I’ll find strength to resist the devil. And not do
In as much as I want you to come to your sense, I’m
not going to hold on to you. It’s up to you to refrain
And with that he went into the bedroom. Adaeze sunk
into the chair feeling dejected.
The thrills that she felt for Michael upon seeing him
initially was gradually fading away.
Even though she knows Michael loves her, she thinks
his love was selfish and she was being stupid, but
she’s might have as well gone too far.
She needs to talk to her mum!
Upon hearing the gibberish her daughter said over the
phone, Mrs Craig invited her daughter over.
“Thank God your father is not around and I don’t like
discussing critical issues with him over the phone, he
would have had your head in a plate”.
“So did you sleep with him?”
Adaeze stared her mother in the face, stood up and
paced the living room.
“Not that I didn’t think of it or we weren’t close but I
just couldn’t.”
Stella Craig sighed thanking God under her breath.
“Mum I think I still love my husband, what do I do?”
“I think you are a very silly young lady. And I think you
need to go and apologise to your husband. What
exactly got into you! This civilization craze is really
pissing. What exactly is your problem? You have a
husband that loves you and he doesn’t cheat or beat
you? What then made you think about Micheal. Oh! He
left his wife for you, he won’t leave you for another?”
“Mum, I think Tobe was just too available and it was
starting to bore me”
“Oh! so the romantic, adventurous supposedly single
guy came around and you jumped on him? Did you even
consider talking to Tobe or why did you marry him if
you can’t talk to him.”
“Mum, I don’t know what to do”
“Well I think I know what you should, I think you should
The next one week was rather slow and tension filled
for Adaeze. Tobe went out and came into the house
without speaking to her. Adaeze was not really enjoying
the show. He slept in the guest bedroom and didn’t eat
her food as well. Adaeze was scared, Tobe does not
eat out and if he wasn’t starving which she was sure
he wasn’t because he looks bright and radiant, then
probably someone has been feeding him.
This particular night he came home happier than usual
and even smiled at her. The smile made her heart
flush. Tobe had this smile that would drive any girl
more sensible than she was crazy. He was of a mixed
race, his mother being British and his father was Igbo.
His hair is slightly coiled and he has a dimple on one
cheek which appeared rather cute when he smiled.
Adaeze saw that as an opportunity to talk. She
swallowed hard as she called him
“Tobe can we talk please”
“Whatever about?” Tobe asked smiling still
“Ehm, this past few months I know I’ve been wrong to
you. I acted really stupid and I’m sorry. Can you please
forgive me, I don’t think I want to or can live without
Tobe still smilling, “is that all?”
Adaeze nodded
“Okay, but right now I can’t think about that, maybe we
could talk later.” with that he headed to the guest
Adaeze watched him leave. There is obviously another
lady she thought as she started to cry… no, wail.
Wow! Tobe thought as he closed the door to himself.
So this Prayer thing works. Tobe really not knowing
what to do and not wanting his wife to go had recently
started attending church again. Not that he was a
pagan or didn’t believe in God, he just thought his life
was okay, he was a good person and he loves Jesus.
Since that’s what they teach in church and he knows
that already, there was no need for church. He has
even read the bible through once and there was no
need for further studying.
So he had been attending bible study and church
services and he’s been finding such peace he never
knew he missed and he had been praying, for Ada for
them. And now she was apologizing. He could not
believe his ears but he hid his excitement when he was
with her.
Tobe went back into the sitting room to see crying
Adaeze, her long lashes was sticky with tears and she
looked like a doll only it was a cute doll.
He moved close to her hands in pocket, “Baby, would
you like to go somewhere with me
She looked up at him wiping her face with her palm,
“I’ll go anywhere with you.”
He stretched out his hand to her which she received
and he pulled her up
“But I think I look disorganised, I need to change first.”
“No, you are just perfect, he doesn’t mind how you
come to him.”
“Who?” Adaeze asked surprised “you?”
“No someone bigger and better”
With that he led her out of the house.
In church, it was a non-service day so it was rather
As they entered the church it was Adaeze who spoke
up first
“I remember this place, it’s the place where we got
“Hmmm” Tobe sighed
“You see this past few days I have retraced my path to
God and the Joy I feel…” he turned to look at her, “is
so great, I don’t wan’t it alone . I want you to feel it
“Tobe really? You go to church?” Adaeze said surprised,
“That’s a miracle you know. I did the same too and
because we haven’t been talking so I wasn’t unable to
tell you. I’m so happy for you” she paused “or maybe
us. Wow! I’m glad you did the same”
“Come with me Ada” she did that and he led her to the
“Do you remember the words we said here together?”
“Tobe please don’t punish me for my sins”
“Why would I want to do that Ada?” he asked running
his hand through her hair. It was all scattered but still
looked beautiful.
“The fact is on this same altar I swore to you that I will
love you forever”
“I said the same Tobe I breached it”
“Ada will you stop for a moment”
He moved close to her, “I didn’t bring you here to
remind you of what you did wrong or what you didn’t
“If it will make you feel better, I forgive you.”
“I brought you here to reaffirm my love for you, my love
for you is forever and I pray God will help me never to
stop. Will you be my wife forever Ada”?
“I’ve never been so sure Tobe. Never been so sure. I
know it might be hard to believe but I love you more
than I ever have before now. I will be your wife over
and over again”.
“And I have something to tell you…” she paused and
then proceeded “I didn’t sleep with him.”
Tobe smiled as he ran his eyes through her body “I
know. You don’t look like a woman that has been
touched recently”.
“I’m sorry, that was a joke. And can we forget about
that please, Michael is gone forever right?”
“Yes he is. Forever and ever!”
“So can we kiss to the vow we’ve just taken?”
“I’m shy” Ada said chuckling
“Maybe I could help you, just look into my face”
She placed her hands on his shoulders as he bent to
kiss her. A kiss never felt so good she thought as she
returned the kiss.

@inspired 360

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