The sports journalist José Visconti died


The journalist, broadcaster and university professor José Visconti died in Caracas at age 71, after being operated on urgently leaving one of the most outstanding legacies, which made him an icon of sports journalism.
Visconti (1948) is a reference point of sports journalism in Venezuela, his work on television being remembered as a sports presenter on RCTV and Meridiano Televisión, being part of his founding team and the one that fired the small screen after several years. Also, on radio stations such as Radio Caracas Radio and 710 AM Radio Capital.
Among the newspapers and positions where he figured, include El Nacional, as a reporter, and El Universal, as Head of the Sports section. He was also director of the newspaper La Religión and of the magazine Universo Deportivo, as well as the sub-director of Meridiano. In 1991 he served as Head of Sports at El Diario de Caracas, a position he held until the closing of the media, in 1996.
In recent years he served as a teacher at the Santa Rosa Catholic University, where he received the title of "Illustrious Professor". Among the countless recognitions he obtained throughout his career are the National Sports Journalism Award (twice), the Casa del Artista Foundation Award and, more recently, the Abelardo Raidi Award from the International Sports Press Association in America. (AIPS).

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