The Wolf sex company, let employees believe that they are not a company

Fighting the blood, Shouting slogans, the combative of us holding a stack of small ads, going to a restaurant and restrooms.
In November 2015, I resigned from a listed company and planned to stay at home for a while before looking for a job. It was in Beijing, after all, for less than a month, and I was nervous.
At the end of December, good friends said that a company was rushing to recruit a new media editor, who would write an original article every day without doing anything else. I was interested. After I got to the address, I packed up and went out.
The company was in style, with glittering tiles on the ground and large red lanterns hanging from the ceiling. The chairs and tables in the office are full of Chinese wind, like the kind of table and high back chairs seen in the countryside when I was a child. But this is on the top floor, and the underground one is the employee's office space.
Office decoration and decoration and other companies, for all desks and chairs, in and out of suits, chest hang tags, meet director, and I will bow bow say hello. I think the quality of the staff should be high.
The director of the interview said that the company is a group company, consisting of two financial companies and an advertising company. The finance company mainly does the loan business and does not need me to worry about it. The new media department belongs to the advertising company, which has just been established. The main job is to be the public number. I was responsible for writing original content and other things. I decided to come to work after the New Year holiday.
In the end, the director mentioned that when he formally entered the office, he would have to cut a neat hair, first wear a suit to deal with it, and then the company would make two sets, one gray and one black, and a total of 1,600 pieces, which would be deducted from the salary.
I "ah" the director say: "everybody is same." That's the beginning of my new job.
There are four people in our department. Besides the director and I, there is also the promotion of wangge and the public number typesetting, the release of minmin. The office also has a technique for maintaining the site, which is called "xiao general". Because the whole department was alone, he was arranged to sit with us. Although his job sounds great, the website is basically nobody, the daily traffic is only a dozen.Xiao total time longer, than we know some gossip and familiar with, he said: "although company decorate and decorate good, morning and evening meeting whoa oww to shout slogans, employees also wear to put on AIRS, don't have the dry, actually what is all bad to showcase themselves."
Minmin didn't stay a long time, and he found that the chicken soup was very interesting. Xiao always laughs, he knows that bai always talks about the same thing every day, but in different languages.
I thought he was complaining and didn't put it in his heart.
The second
However, it was a little strange for me to have a meeting in the morning and evening, and the whole company was standing in the lobby with a brush with the brush of 40 and 50. Occasionally check whether your shoelaces are tied, whether your shirt is clean, whether your suit color is consistent with the company's rules and so on. Sometimes the raid office, where there is no other than computer, mouse, mouse pad and keyboard, is caught in a fine of $50.
Next to our office is the advertising development department, which has a large office and holds more than 30 people. After each day, the 30 or so individuals will be lined up in two rows in the office, led by each other and then lectured. When the process was over, they took bags or backpacks, went to the storehouses to collect billboards, some with screwdrivers and glass. When the bag and the bag were full, they set off with a smile.
They're out on billboards. The company mainly does toilet advertisement, it is people go out to eat normally or in KTV toilet sees those. The men's toilet is attached to the urinal and the cubicle of the squat, the women's toilet is placed on the left side of the squat. As for the advertising content, it is about beauty, men's health, or various loan companies.
I asked them how the AD was posted, and Mr. Shaw replied to me while he was playing his mobile phone game, and went directly to the hotel or KTV. "Do they let the stickers? "Just a small gift."
As for the use of screwdrivers and glass, it was used to tear down other people's billboards and then put them on our own. Our company is one of them, and two of them regularly split each other's billboards. It is said that our company has compared them.
I didn't expect a day two weeks later, when the department was informed that the whole company would have to be dispatched by the end of the year. The four of us will have to put up 100 toilet billboards all day, one week in a row, and we can't get off work.
I asked the public if they could do it, and the director said that it would be fine to put together a few articles. It's freezing outside, and min doesn't want to post it. Wang2 elder brother say, post, just a week, when dysmenorrhea, the next 30 many people have to go out to post everyday.
The next day was Saturday, and we had to go to work, though we complained, but we couldn't help it. At the party the previous day, bai had issued a red head document, which everyone could not miss, and deducted the same day's salary by three times.
At half past eight we arrived at the company and set off with a hundred billboards. The five of us got a car, wangge as the driver, the director is in the co-pilot, I, min min, xiao always sit in the back seat.
After more than an hour, we arrived near the gate and started looking for restaurants and KTV. At the door of a restaurant that makes hunan food, we are so thin-skinned that no one wants to go in. Xiao always called on wang to go in, and I immediately followed.
Mr. Shaw expressed his intentions to the hotel owner and said he could give away gifts such as pens and calculators. The owner of the restaurant looked at us and said with a wave of his hand, "go out and do not delay my business!" We got out of the way, so we continued along the street. Go to two or three stores, either do not let us stick, or one or two squat, do not accord with the regulation, paste also white paste. Fortunately, the fifth store asked us to post, only four, but the boss took two boxes of pens.
In order to finish the task quickly, we divided into two groups, I and minmin group, and shaw sum wang. Minmin and I are more introverted and have not been able to get used to the job. Min min says he's a graduate. He comes to this company. I smiled and didn't know how to answer.
Min min asks me: "you write a book, how also come this kind of company?" I actually want to write something, here pay salary, copyright also not, actually calculate. I looked down at a bag of billboard in my hand, but I didn't want to do itMin - min burst out laughing and came forward. She had a bad idea: she threw out all the billboards and went back to say they were finished. But every billboard of our company has a record, and there will be a return visit the next day, and the plan has not been implemented yet. Then a voice rang out: "someone had thrown the billboard and the result was beaten." We turn back, is a person of advertisement development department, also saw in normal times, call zhou qiang, 20 years old.
Zhou qiang black, short, the back of the schoolbag drums, the bag in the hands of a glass gun, glass glue and two screwdrivers. He laughed so good-natured that he could not think of the fact that our department had come out to do this, which was almost always covered, and he came to collect the leak.
He tells us that five rings or even six rings have been developed for the bathroom AD. But the company has a daily increase in the number of tasks, so go further, or break up the company. He smiled. "my house is far away, and it would be midnight if I went too far."
Min asked him what he said just now. Zhou qiang said before they have individual departments can't stick out, threw the billboards, was found out, in the chairman office punched by three or four people, then I got fired, didn't get a penny.
Then shaw combined Wang Ge run to come over, said there's a hotel toilet a lot, just be plastered with rival company, but as long as we give them a small gift, they agree to tear down and put on our brand. Minmin listen, hurry to go. Zhou qiang followed us happily. Xiao always looked at him and said, "this is ours. It's ok with you." Zhou qiang said: "I would like to have a lively, the store that I posted before, they unexpectedly gave me to tear down."
Under shaw's general guidance, we had to pry the billboard of the rival company. There was a shadow on the wall about the size of a brand, covered with a bunch of blackened glass, not knowing how many times the two companies had broken apart. This time we have posted more than a dozen, but we still have more than half of our tasks today.
When the restaurant came out, zhou qiang told his boss, 'please keep it for a week, because the company will have someone to come back and if it's taken apart we will be deducted.' The boss says he knows. Zhou qiang saw too many such bosses, who gave things to whom he could tear down, anyway, the two companies did nothing to lose.
I wonder why the two companies don't compete in the right way, so that you can tear me apart, and there's no point in wasting material and personnel costs. Zhou qiang smiled and said, "you have to ask the boss." Then he said goodbye to us and left alone.
In the afternoon the wind blew, and we were blown all over, and more than sixty pieces of it were not posted, and the conditions of several people were not good. When he went to another restaurant, the boss rushed out before he walked in the door: "come on, you are not welcome here!" The fight we had left was also broken.
The director saw that we were shivering with cold, and let us return to the car. "this is all his mother's," he said. "it's the same age, and it's done this way!" The director stretched a lazy waist to say: "don't post, I take you to sing a song." As soon as he heard to sing, minmin clapped his hands. I looked at a stack of billboards and thought that the task wasn't finished.
The original KTV boss was a friend of the director. KTV is very large, with four floors and countless bathrooms, which can consume more than 400 billboards. In other words, four days of work ahead of us. So, in those days, the director took us everywhere, singing and singing and eating.
Early the next day, others do not have the good fortune, will sum up the day before work, don't be shamed to complete the task, but also for reflection, in front of the whole office, just one week.
He buried his head, and was so lonely that he interrupted his words: "I know your reasons, but here is the company, talking with strength, and nothing else. If you don't work hard, do you have a minimum wage?
Xiao, standing next to me, tells us that this woman has a monthly salary of thirty thousand yuan, which is much worse than zhou's. There is nothing to do but the trainer and the chairman.
At the end of the day, bai sent us a piece of paper with the lyrics of "I believe" printed on it. She said that recently, people have been lacking in spirits and need to sing a song to get a boost. People will practice with the lyrics and start singing the song tomorrow morning.
I couldn't understand it: "is this a tease?" Xiao always put his index finger on his mouth and gestured to me to say, "you've never seen anyone sing before."
When I came back to the office, I passed the toilet and saw zhou qiang washing his face in the wash basin. I went and called him, and he raised his head, his eyes red, and he should have cried. I smiled at him, he smiled at me, also want to ask some "what time to the company" "ready to go today," don't think too abrupt right again, just ask him why not change a job.
He shook his head. "I don't have the skills or education to go to the factory," he said. "I don't want to go to the factory. I want to change my job and it's not going well."
I chatted about it before I knew that zhou qiang their salary was very low. Base salary just few thousand dollars a month, every day have a fixed quota, if can't finish the task, according to buckle the billboard number wage, zhou qiang often have to work until the morning, all the cold without perception, home to lie down to sleep.
Some people called zhou qiang hurriedly to go to the collection, zhou qiangliangli to run away, not after a while, I heard their office to hear "I believe" singingfive
KTV's bathroom was all over, and the director had to take us back to the streets to find new places to put up billboards, shuttled through the morning, and didn't post a few. After touching the wall a few times, the director got angry: "how could we be reduced to such a thing!" I think of zhou qiang and the more than 30 people who do this every day.
After a moment in the cold air, the director picked up the bag and took us to another street.
On that day, we were so busy that at 10 o 'clock in the evening, we were cold and hungry, but we had little success. We had more than 30 left to go out. After coming out of a health club, wang dropped the billboard in the bag to the ground: "director, I can't go on. We're not here to do this. What do you think we've done? You and the chairman say, we want to be the public number, do not do other." The director nodded. Let's go home first.
The next morning at 7 a.m., I got up and started WeChat, and the director was in our small group and said, everyone is on time, so we don't have to go to the billboard. We were back in the heated office, but our hearts were not so warm. "we don't belong here," wang said.
A week later, the director was ill, pale and colorless, and began to take paid leave at home, until a few days before the Spring Festival holiday. The public number barely supported us, and no one had asked us about our jobs and benefits, and almost everyone's energy was on those billboards.
Earlier, zhou qiang sang "I believe" in a very loud voice. Bai always occasionally praised him, and told us that the people singing the mosquito to learn more from him, zhou qiang smiled and scratched his head with a smile. Several times, I saw zhou qiang carrying a backpack full of billboards, and a few colleagues rushing toward the company gate, saying, "go, stick up the billboard, hurry up."
Approaching the Spring Festival holiday, no one is in the mood to work, xiao has quietly told us that one of the advertisements was hit again, because it is not good to post advertisements, selling the billboard to buy food. I listened to some sadness in my heart, I asked who, xiao always did not know.
The company can only take seven days off for the Spring Festival, please pay a fine of 300 yuan a day, keep the phone on the phone at any time, and the company calls for one hundred. When I said I would go back to my hometown for a few days, the administration said angrily, "don't come here." I said, "well, give me your salary and I'll be right away."
After the Spring Festival, I returned to Beijing to find a new job. A few months later, shaw told me on WeChat that the new media division was disbanded and he was gone.
In the last few days, we went to a restaurant to eat, and in the bathroom urinal, we saw their advertisement, which said that the advertisement company had to transfer the two financial companies and had a quick contact with them

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