My First Steemiversary - Looking back to look forward

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My First Steemiversary!

I just felt that such a piece as this would be adequate for today. Not so much a story, if you will, and yet in its own way as much a story as is possible. It has been a year since I got aboard this ship, and for the space of time it took the little speck of blue in the vast, wide universe to make a single loop round the star which it orbits, I must say that it has been a most delightful experience for me, and I just as well hope that the experiences on those on this same voyage have proved just as enchanting to them, as I have found mine to be.

I cast my eyes back over the waters of the sea of time, to events which have happened, and the things which were. The experiences I have had in this community has been a blessing to me in manifold ways, including, but not limited to, being graced to meet such an interesting and stimulating community such as what we have here, the privilege of the having the ability to expand my spheres of knowledge and sharpen my literary skills, and just the sheer fun of having an excellently astonishing time just being with you all.

I cast my gaze forward across the uncertain waters of time, to the grey mists of the future, billowing and presently indeterminate, to potentials, and of things which may yet be. Of new minds and faces and hands which may yet join this platform, of avenues and currents of imagination yet to be explored, of fun times and moments, and even in moments of adversity, whatever, whenever, or why ever they may be, our ability to weather them through the sheer indomitability of our traction as a group.

To my fellow Nigerians; it is for this reason, looking back to look forward, that I must raise my imaginary glass of wine and make a toast: to what has happened to us together, to past experiences, and to what will happen to us together, to future possibilities. The journey has been glorious so far, and I look forward to a much more wonderful experience with you all together, as we keep riding together on this voyage. My heart flows with gratitude for a community such as this, and the experiences we have forged together, and the expectations of more experiences to be forged are the winds that drive us onward.

On ward, then! On to greater adventures together!!

Thank you all for the support!!!

Thanks for coming!

That little boy,


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