10 Unique and Interesting Fun Facts About Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I love getting together with family and loved ones to make new memories, and I certainly enjoy stuffing myself with all the yummy food!


These days, most of us celebrate Thanksgiving with turkey, pumpkin pie, and football, but how did these traditions come about? Have you ever wondered about the origin of Thanksgiving day? Here are 10 fun and educational facts about Thanksgiving that will give you more insight into the origins of the holiday and the traditions associated with it.

10 Thanksgiving Fun Facts
1 )The first Thanksgiving took place in 1621.

  1. Every Thanksgiving, the current U.S. president pardons a turkey.
  2. Macy's has put on a parade every Thanksgiving since 1924.
    4)Thanksgiving is the biggest travel day of the year.
    5)The foods eaten for Thanksgiving dinner haven't changed much since 1621.
    6)Americans eat over 280 million turkeys every Thanksgiving.
    7)Cranberries are native to North America.
    8)There is an official Thanksgiving postage stamp.
    9)The wishbone tradition is much older than Thanksgiving.
  3. Watching football is an integral part of most Thanksgiving celebrations.
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