Always be thankful for what you have, had or experienced on our blue planet.

Like most people i have days where things get a little overloaded, you start questioning yourself, what your doing, where your going, where you think you should be, how to go about it, how time is passing by and how to want to be a percentage better than the month, day, hour before — we live fast, like we are getting sucked into a black hole, sitting on the perihelion before we get sucked over into the darkness of the unknown.

I kinda made it a ruleset of mine that i wouldn’t allow myself to cascade to such dark places, instead be always greatful for what I’ve had, what i’ve done, where i’ve been and who i’ve loved and who has loved me — because really when you break it down, all the other stuff is just literally that, stuff. I’d rather have flashbacks of moments as we get sucked into a time vortex anyway, physical objects can only bring so much anyway.

Photo by Brannon Naito on Unsplash

As we cascade (already a week in) to December and eventually the new year 2020 I’ve got a heck of a lot of things to be thankful for, especially the people I love and their love for me, that goes a long way when your creatively minded and not just a compliant drone that knods and winks and becomes a YES person — kinda hard to put the genie back in the bottle when you know how the world around you operates.

So, be thankful for your things around you, the people you met, the experiences you have had, the love you shared and make a mission to keep doing that, spend your time with those people that make you light up and glow. Your heart will thank you for it and ease your mind which is a tinder box of chaos anyway!

Have a great weekend.
__humble x

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