Paying for staking!! Coinbase among others

I went to the bank yesterday and my banker asked if I wanted to look at some interest bearing CDs . I asked him what they were paying and he said I could earn a high interest 1.65% if I put 2500 in a special savings account. And for special CDs I could get a whopping 2.5% but would have to forfeit my ability to use the money for over 2 years.
I told him I was currently getting 5.3% rate of return and asked if he could come close...

Well no but your talking a risky investment , which is a bit true however I Don’t have to tie up the money and I can convert or withdraw at anytime and not have any 10% prewithdraw penalty.

There is also the possibility that my investment can gain value which is something that a CD wrapped up in fiat currency will never do.

Inflation bring the ultimate enemy of all fiat currency.

For some more information :

If you want some free Tezos

With Coinbase , they take a cut and delegate out 5.3% others take less and pay out quicker . Coinbase pays out their staking rewards after about a month


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