Sold all my BTC

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I know you might think I am crazy right?

So before you kill me let me explain my thought process and you can share yours.

After the Market Cap passed 120 Billion, I didn't want to make the same mistake I did in June where market dropped like crazy and I didn't utilize that. I decided to go with Tether right now while market hopefully goes down again.

What's Tether?

Tether is pretty much cryptocurrency that is backed 1 to 1 by fiat currency, so 1 USDT is always equivalent to 1 USD. My goal is to buy back in while in a blood bath where everything is going down at which Tether stays close to $1.00.

Doing this helps with the sales fee and you only have to pay small trading fee. I did my trade on Bittrex.

I will keep you updated and will let you know how it turns out.

Feel free to follow me @belalh

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