Early February - biometrics update, etc.

Where did January go? CES and follow up mostly I guess. Great show for me and the Firstbeat team. Here's what I'm up to training wise.

Still working through getting a clear diagnosis on my abdominal issue. Trying to get an appointment with a specialist as my GP didn't have any clear ideas so we're on a bit of a hunt with a urologist (which I consider a low-probability line if inquiry but I will give it a fair shake).

I also got through a full round of biometrics. First up was my Insidetracker blood work panel. This time around there were several things that stood out that I am focused on:

  • magnesium is way down (bad)
  • total and free testosterone both down (bad although my levels still good compared to most 45 yr olds, about 770 ng/dl total T)
  • SHBG down (good)
  • cortisol down (good)
  • vitamin D up (good)
  • LDL up (bad)

So overall a mixed bag. I'm now focusing on several ways to try to bring the T back up: epsom salt baths (bring up magnesium), Tongkat ali & Forskolin (bring T up and also stimulate thyroid, more on this later), and Ashwaganda. Also getting more disciplined about nightly eggs (one on rest or cardio days, two on weight lifting days) to provide cholesterol for T synthesis. I'm also working on my sleep pattern although that's been a long-running challenge and I'm already doing a LOT of things to optimize this, so there's not much low hanging fruit I don't think.

Workout wise, been on the bike 3-4 days/week in addition to 3-4 days in the weight room. Got some styling new shoes from Bont, carbon kicks are always nice. More carbon fiber is more better. Power estimates via Strava are coming up, I think a power meter is in my near future so I can make the most of my limited time on the bike.

I really miss running, I was supposed to be doing a half-marathon today with a friend but that came off the schedule with this ab injury. Missing yoga too. But right now yoga hurts my stomach like hell (unless I just lie there on the mat for half the class and do nothing). It's now been over a month since my last run, so once I get this injury sorted out I'll have a good 3-4 months of ramping my volume back up to where I was.

Later this week I'll post on my other January tests, my Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment and my Bodyspec Dexa scan.


If you care about hormone optimization, Ali at Anabolic Men is a super resource:




Blood work:

Crazy stiff & light shoes:

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